While we wait

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1st of October 2019
So family and friends have been asking me for a long time to write a book so while I sit hear waiting to go and pick up Molly from the train station with the van I thought why not get this started.
My life has never exactly been normal. Well I was born nearly down the toilet and needed to be resuscitated followed by years of being sick in the mornings and long frequent nose bleeds till I got my nose corterised. Also being an asthmatic I was always ending up with severe asthma attack's with me several times ending up in hospital on a nebuliser.
My family alone is complicated and got a lot more complicated in 2015 too 2017 as you will find out later. My dad left my mum exactly a week after my younger sisters baptism and a week before my eleventh birthday which I clearly took to heart and thought for a very long time it was a personal attack on me. I got too see my dad for four hours every other weekend which got less and less as I got older as I got grief from my mum if I enjoyed my time with my dad and staying quiet or complaining about the time made the situation worse and worse leading to me not seeing my dad at one point for six months at least.
As I said I have a sister who is two years younger than myself as well as a step sister as my mum remarried but they wont really be mentioned much in the rest of this story mainly because my sister moved away for university for several years and now lives down there, she got married down there a week ago today from the day I wrote this section. My step sister mainly lives with her mother and visits her dad  (Simon ) at the weekends.
My family is quite big with my mum being one of five siblings and then my stepdad having three siblings and then my dad also having a sister and thankfully I don't need to talk about them all but will mention them later if they pop up, or just fancy ranting about a horrible family member.

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