Whipped 💛

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I walked out of the hospital resisting the urge to run back in and finish what I started with Elizabeth. I felt my spirits lift, just from seeing Beth's bright blue eyes. Wow, I'm really whipped.

But now I was gonna have a little talk with Carman. I drove to Boland motors assuming he would be there, and there he was.

" hi their Carman" I mused

" Beth said she killed you," he said shaking

" change of plans, I guess, " I said shooting him a smirk

"Are... are you going to kill me"

Then, he found himself thinking about Elizabeth and what she said that night: "Are you going to kill me". Why the hell was he thinking about Elizabeth right now.

" I will kill you if you don't give Elizabeth her kids back," I said threat in my voice.

"Look, I'll give them back, just leave me alone bounce house guy," Dean said cowardly

"Fuck did you just call me," I said getting angry

" I'll let Beth have the kids back, just know she's just playing you, your in love with someone who will never love you back bounce house guy, even if you hurt me, she'll break your heart," Dean said matter of factly.

The fuck did he think he was, I didn't love Elizabeth. I don't need her. She fucking shot me, Carman's right. I'm under her spell, she's seducing me with those big blue eyes, milky pale skin, and... fuck he was in love with her. God damn he thought, love was not a thing you should have with someone in this line of work.

"Look, whatever Carman, just give her kids back..." I waited a fraction before adding "or else" He looked like he was gonna piss on his self. So, I walked out of there and drove to Elizabeth's house.

When I arrived, I got out of the car and broke in the usual way. There she lay on her bed sleeping peacefully. I slipped next to her when there was a knock on the door.

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