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I walked into her kitchen after a few months recovery. I can't believe I actually had feelings for her, what the heck is wrong with me. I waited, and when I heard her approaching I gather my thoughts.

" long time no see, darling"I drawled

" but I thought you were dead"she sputtered out before she fainted.

Where had his Elizabeth gone, she was even whiter than before if that's even possible, and she was so, so thin, she had to have lost about 30 pounds, her usually bright red hair was dull and dirty. He had no words. Was this because of him, was it her dumbass husband, then he saw the note. That dumbass took her kids again, I'll teach him a lesson another time, right now he had to worry about Elizabeth, he easily scooped her up. And brought her to his car. And sped off to the hospital. The doctor said she was dehydrated and had fainted from light shock.

I was mad that Elizabeth had let herself go because of me or Carman. Then she woke up, and he strolled into the room. " I'm sorry, Rio" yeah she shot me but I Don't Care about that right now." Are you ok Elizabeth" I asked my voice serious. " no "she responded sobbing.

I just wanted to help her and just like that all the feelings I had for her came flooding back. She would be the death of me, in fact, she already almost was.

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