Chapter 32

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I awoke to more knocking.

My head pounded. The flat was freezing, and my fingers were cramped from clutching the small blanket so hard in my sleep. The source of my headache could have been anything. The cold, my lack of food, lack of water, lack of good sleep. Either way, it pounded at my head like a sledgehammer. And the knocking only made it worse.

I couldn't make up my mind. The presence of another human was something I wanted more than anything, and yet, at the same time, the idea of inviting anyone near me was revolting. I wanted to be left alone. But I didn't want to be lonely.

"Rin! Are you in there?" Oh my God it's Ia.

Without this headache, I would have been to the door in a heartbeat. But my tired body and clouded mind wouldn't allow me to move quicker than I was. Shuffling across the room, I unlocked the door, and opened it.

Ia's truck was parked on the street. Her backpack was slung over her shoulders, and she held two shopping bags full of food in front of her. The thought of junk food sent another wave of nausea through me, but then, upon closer inspection, I realized they weren't full of chips and ice cream. They were full of groceries. Bread, fruits, veggies-

The muscles in my face strained as I fought back tears. "Ia-" I whimpered, my voice cutting off. A friend will bring you junk food for a sleepover. A best friend will buy you groceries when she knows you need them.

She had been unsure before, and now she dropped into despair. Quickly setting the bags on the ground, she threw her arms around me with ease. "Rinny, what happened to you?"

My hands were still clutching the blanket. Digging my face into her shoulder, I blinked rapidly, sniffling a few times, before pulling away. "Come in," I said. "I'll tell you everything."

I closed the door behind her. She had stopped just a few steps in. "What is this place?" She asked, the shopping bags still in her hands.

"My new house," I choked out. "Come on. Here's the kitchen." My blanket fluttered behind me as I slowly walked down the narrow hallway. My head throbbed with every window we passed. It was too bright outside.


"I'll tell you. Just... come on."

After a moment of hesitation, she followed me.

I gulped as we turned into the kitchen. With one hand holding my blanket around me, I helped her unload the bags. "Something happened with the company," I finally said. It was hard trying to find the right words.

"What happened? I thought everything was good with you guys, after that show-" she grinned. "It was... really cute."

A sad smile crept across my face. "That's the reason I'm here," I told her. What sick irony.

I told her the story from there, giving her many more details than I had told my parents. I told her about the first night I met the twins, about Luka, about the stories I had heard about them. I told her about the party where I met Yuma, my birthday dinner, everything. I explained the trip, the concert, and, finally, the events following.

"And guess what," I concluded.

She was in shock. "W-what?"

I turned to face her as I put the last item in the fridge. "This is their flat."

Her eyes narrowed. "What?"

"They switched rooms with me."

The weight of what I just told her dawned on her, like a shadow darting across her face. "You mean they're with-"

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