Chapter 13

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"Here, Rin. Try this on." Gumi held up a tight crop top shirt.

"Um, I dunno."

"Why not?" Miku asked from behind her. She was browsing through the endless racks of clothes.

"I... don't have the body for it."

Gumi threw her head back in a laugh, before forcing it into the already-mountainous pile in my arms. "You're trying it on."

"Why don't we go look at the dresses?" I asked. The clothes in my arms were everything but my style.

"Because you need something for when we go clubbing," Miku pointed out.

"But these are a little much, don't you think?"

She shook her head, her pigtails ruffling around her. "No, definitely not. You're hot, Rin. Show it off."

I chuckled a bit at the comment, but it didn't make me feel any better. After throwing even more clothes into my arms, we traveled to the dressing room, where Luka was posing in front of a mirror in her own new outfits.

"Does this look okay?" She asked as she spun around.

"Hmm," Miku looked over it carefully. "I think the belt is a little much. But if you got a top with a brighter pattern, it wouldn't be as distracting."

I threw my pile on a seat. Gumi came up next to me while the other two discussed their important matter.

"What first?" She asked me. Her hands were on her hips.

I shook my head, scanning the pile. "I... I don't know. These really aren't my type."

"Come on, Rin. Work with us here. You can't live in dresses forever."

"Why not?"

She gave me a stern look, and I sighed.

"...I guess those jeans are kinda cute."

Her eyes widened. "Yes! I love them! What about a top?" Her arms dug through the pile before she pulled up an off-shoulder, long sleeved black shirt. "This one?"

A shrugged. It was definitely better than the other clothes in the pile. "Sure. I'll try it on."

I did, and I was surprised to find that the outfit looked pretty cute. Switching between poses in front of the mirror in the changing room, I froze when Miku called from outside.

"Come on Rin! Let us see!"

Swallowing a lump in my throat, I opened the door and stepped out. All three of the girls were waiting on the other side, and they nearly jumped for joy when I came out.

"Sexy," Luka nodded with a smile.

"It's so cute!" Miku clapped her hands together.

"I feel like a doll," I muttered.

"You look like one, too," Gumi pointed out. "It'll be perfect for tonight!"

My brow furrowed in confusion. "What's tonight?"

Luka shot Gumi a look, telling me it was a secret. Miku smiled slyly. "Nothing~" she sang, before ushering me back into the dressing room. "Come on! That's a good entry, but you need to keep trying them on! We'll find the best one!"

She ushered me back into the dressing room, leaving my question unanswered. As I changed into the next outfit (which I disliked much more than the first), a plan hatched in my head. Gumi had been the one to let out at least part of tonight's secret. Surely I could get her to tell me the rest. I just needed to find a time when Miku and Luka weren't around to catch her.

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