Chapter 14

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 "Nervous?" Len asked me as we sat on the metal benches backstage. People rushed wildly around us, preparing for the show.

I shrugged. "Not really," I answered honestly. "It's not like it's a concert or anything."

He was leaning forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "But you're still gonna be in front of an audience. And on TV."

"Are you trying to make me nervous?" I chuckled.

"No," he answered with a smile.

Erik had told me that an interview on a talk show would be amazing for the publicity. It had been weeks since I first went on stage as a Vocal, and the world had yet to hear from me otherwise. Except for social media, of course.

Len sighed next to me. "It's just lame I had to come."

I laughed. "Oh, Len gets more time on camera in front of thousands of screaming fans. Poor you."

"This whole thing is about you, not me."

"But we're partners, remember?" I nudged him in the shoulder. "We gotta show up together in public."

He chuckled softly. "Yeah. Sure."

An important-looking person with an earpiece and a clipboard called to us. "Showtime in five!" Before he disappeared around the corner once again.

"At least we don't have to wear those stupid outfits," Len said.

"I like them."

"Yeah, of course you do," he teased.

"Should we go wait by the stage?" I asked him.

He shrugged. "I guess."

It was only a few minutes later that we stood behind stage, earpieces on, waiting for our cue to enter stage. The sounds of Iroha, our host, introducing her audience and her show echoed through the building. I had never heard her melodic voice other than on television.

"And," she told the applauding audience. "We have some very special guests for our show today." There was more applause, and Iroha raised her voice. "Please welcome, Rin and Len Kagamine!"

Only then did the butterflies in my stomach start. Len nudged me forward, and I walked onto the stage. The applause grew from a low rumble to an enthusiastic roar. Pride flushed through me once I saw the fans in the crowd. I waved and smiled as we walked to our seats; a white couch in a little makeshift living room. Iroha sat in her matching chair. Her pink ponytail was draped over the back of the chair, nearly touching the floor behind her. She gave each of us a warm smile. I eyed the notecards in her hands with apprehension.

"Welcome, you two!" She shouted, causing the dying applause to revive for another few seconds. We took our seats on the couch.

"Thank you for having us," Len smiled back. There were some more cheers, specifically from the girls, that sounded when he spoke. I resisted the intense urge to roll my eyes.

I smiled at the crowd until the second they died down, and Iroha began speaking.

"Quite a warm welcome!" She laughed.

Words escaped me. Thankfully, Len was there to do the talking. "For sure. It's always nice to know we're welcome," he joked. He had leaned back confidently against the back of the couch.

"I don't think you two ever have to worry about that," our host told us with a grin. Her eyes flickered to me. "So, Rin! We finally get to meet."

I smiled, praying that I wouldn't start blushing at the attention. "It's nice to meet you," I forced the words out of my mouth. There were a few more cheers once they heard me.

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