Chapter 8

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I woke up the next morning to my phone ringing. It was only a text, but it was enough to get me to roll over and grab my phone off the floor. I silently wished I had a table to set it on as I squinted my eyes against the harsh light of the screen. A text from Erik. At six in the morning.

You see it yet? The text read. I widened my eyes, tears forming in protest. I quickly sat up, unlocking my phone and clicking on my YouTube app. My thumb hovered over the touch screen, shaking slightly. The app opened, and under New Music This Week was a lyric video that caught my tired eyes.

Len Kagamine - Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder ft. ???

I quickly tapped on the video, my trembling fingers nearly missing it. The description of the video read A little teaser. I figured that Erik himself had wrote it. Come to think of it, he probably uploaded it, too.

The volume on my phone was as high as it could be, and the sound of the intro nearly made me jump. It was me. Me. Singing the intro. Me. It was much quieter than I had imagined, but I could understand why. We had to leave some of me to the imagination. But it was me. And it was so clearly me.

A frightening thought came to me. Ia was sure to hear this. Would she recognize me?

I pushed the thought out of my head. I didn't have room in it for negative thoughts right now.

Len's part kicked in, and an involuntary grin crept across my face. The video already had a million views. Overnight. It had over forty thousand likes. And a few thousand dislikes, but that was nothing. My heart began pounding. I was famous. But at the same time, nobody knew who I was. They just knew my voice.

As I scrolled through the comments, my smile slowly faded. Many of them simply said that they were excited to find out who I was, while others were predictions, criticisms, or even outright hate messages. They explained that Vocaloids were "dead" and bringing a new one to the public wouldn't save them. Others argued that I would "save" them.

Jeez. No pressure or anything.

I texted Erik back. One million views?!?!?

I layed back on my pillow, my phone slipping out of my hand back onto the floor. I stared at the ceiling, trying to comprehend that this was actually real now. It was official. I was a Vocal. A celebrity. An artist. A Kim Kardashian or a Rihanna or a Beyonce, but with less sex appeal.

I sighed. There was no way I was going back to sleep now, no matter how tired I was. Len and I had come home from the studio exhausted last night, and we both went straight to our rooms and passed out. At least, I had. I assumed Len did the same.

I forced myself out of bed. I had had the time to change out of my in-public outfit, and into some fluffy pajama pants and a plain t-shirt before falling asleep. Thank God; I was tired of sleeping in my dresses.

The apartment was quiet. Len was still asleep, which was no surprise. In fact, I would have been more surprised to see him conscious.

I sat on the couch, planning to watch some T.V. until he woke up, but instead reaching for my phone. The internet was crawling with theories about the new Vocal, and I was determined to find and read them all. I wondered if maybe someone saw Len and I leaving the studio last night, and snapped a few pictures of us. Or maybe they recognized us at the zoo. I was sure there had to be some sort of clue for them to figure out who I was. But the longer I searched, the more my theory was disproven. There was nothing on the internet anywhere about anything hinting to me, except the YouTube video, of course.

As I scoured Twitter for evidence, I considered tweeting out something along the lines of lol it's me and just waiting for people to figure out what it means. I giggled. As soon as my name is revealed, I'll probably get a ton of followers on Twitter, Instagram, friend requests on Facebook, and all the other social media sites I never used anymore. I smiled as I imagined someone trying to "connect" with me on MySpace.

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