Chapter 22

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It was freezing in our apartment.

I shuffled in my sleep. I blinked my eyes a few times, finding nothing but hazy images of the apartment. All I could see were the cloudy, yet extremely bright skies through the window in the kitchen. I closed my eyes again. Pulling the blanket closer to me was no use. Eventually, I had no choice but to succumb to the morning. My eyes slowly slid open once more, finding myself inches away from Len's sleeping face.

After our rainy trip, we had decided to watch a movie together in the living room. I'd fallen asleep on the couch, I guess, and he must have followed suit. We were curled under the same blanket, changed out of our wet pajamas, and did I mention inches away from each other.

It took a few moments of blinking at his closed eyes to gather myself together. I pushed myself towards my side of the couch, away from him. There wasn't a single movement from him as I pushed myself off of the couch and to my feet. It was early, still. Much too early for Len to even think about waking up. The sight of him curled up on the couch, with the steady rise and fall of his chest and his peaceful expression, was enough to bring a smile to my lips, along with a little blush.

I jumped to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Just as I poured the batter of the first pancake into the pan, the front door opened.

"Good Morning~" Gumi sang! Appearing from behind the fireplace.

I shot her a dirty look, raising my finger to my lips. My finger then pointed down at sleeping Len.

She shot him a sideways glance, but shrugged off my concern. "Whatever. That kid wouldn't wake up even if the fire alarms were going off." Despite her reassurance, I was glad to hear her drop her voice.

"Watcha making me?" She asked, skipping across the room and landing on one of the stools.

"Pancakes." My voice was barely above a whisper. "You want some?"

"Sure!" She responded. Her gaze fluttered out the window. "Did you see?"


"Look." She nodded towards the window once more.

I nearly dropped the bowl of pancake batter. The white light I had seen this morning wasn't the sun at all. It was snow.

"Dude!" I yelled, instantly covering my mouth with my hands. "I love the snow!" My voice dropped back to a whisper.

Gumi nodded. "Awesome, huh?"

I nodded furiously, then turned my attention back to my cooking. The first pancake had almost burned due to my negligence. "How many you want?" I asked her over my shoulder.

"I'll just have two," she answered. "I'm not much of a breakfast person."

"You want chocolate chips?"

"Is that even a question?"

I chuckled. "Okay, okay." Leaning against the counter, I shot one more look over at Len. He hadn't stirred. Thank God. The boy needs some sleep after his sprint last night.

Gumi followed my gaze, then widened her eyes at me. "Did you both sleep on the couch?"

"We were watching a movie," I explained.

"But you slept on the couch. Next to each other."

"Yeah. And?"

She stared at me incredulously. "You two are, like, my OTP."

I chuckled. "Shut up."

"It's true! And it's not just me!"

"Whatever." I turned back to the pan, flipping the batter.

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