Chapter 26

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 Ia's parents were out of town, and she insisted that I come spend the night before my next trip. It didn't take much convincing. I hadn't seen her in a while, and I probably wouldn't get the chance again for the next few weeks. On top of all that, though, I missed my best friend.

It was another cold winter night, and Len parked his car on the street outside of her house. I had opted for taking an Uber, but he wouldn't have it.

"Don't have too much fun," he told me as he put the car in park.

"I can't promise anything," I laughed in response. Under my winter coat, I was all dressed up for our slumber party. Hung over my shoulder was a bag full of snacks, movies, and clothes for tomorrow.

"What time do you want me to pick you up tomorrow?"

"Len, I can take a taxi or something. Really. You don't have to drive me everywhere."

"I don't mind it. It's nice to get out of the apartment sometimes."

I thought for a moment, my hand resting on the open door. "I'll text you," I said into the car.

"Alright. See ya."

"See ya." I slammed the door shut, and walked up the sidewalk to Ia's front door. Her house was in the suburbs, a beautiful home surrounded by an equally beautiful neighborhood. The flowers her mom worked so hard on were covered in snow, ready to sprout next year.

I knocked on the door, and Ia instantly opened it. "There you are, stranger," she greeted, casting a glance over my shoulder.

I followed it. Len had waited for me to get to the front door. With one last wave through the opened window, his car pulled back onto the street and disappeared around the corner.

"He drove you here?" Ia asked skeptically.

"Dude." I told her, deciding right then and there that she was the only person who deserved to know. "You have no fucking idea what has been going on lately."

She welcomed me into her house, and I saw that the living room was already prepped for our girl's night. She even had her nail kit spread out, with an array of different colored polishes, cotton swabs, and the like. Pillows and blankets were thrown randomly around the room. Our DVD line up, except for the ones I brought, sat on the TV stand.

"Oooooh, hot gossip," she cheered, plopping on the couch. Fuzzy, pink bunny slippers adorned her feet.

"What do you want to eat first?" I asked, sitting on the floor, careful not to knock over any nail polish onto her parent's white carpet. "I have oreos, ice cream, chips-"

"You have peanut butter?" She asked.

"Duh. Of course."

"Gimmie those and the oreos."

"You know, you're only other person who likes those." I dug through my bag. "The first time I told Len about them he looked like he wanted to puke."

"I couldn't imagine you living in a house without oreos and peanut butter."

"Well, he likes them now. After I made him try them." The box of cookies crinkled loudly as I handed it to her, peanut butter following.

"So what's been going on?" She asked with a mouthful of sweets.

I grinned at the question. "Well... um...."

"Spit it, Rinny."

"Do you want the long version, or the short version?"

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