Chapter 5

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  It took me much longer to wake up then it had to fall asleep. The first thought that came to my mind was how warm I was. Usually, when I woke up in my room, it was freezing. But not today. Mom must have remembered to turn up the heat before she went to bed.

But then I opened my eyes, and a brief moment of panic swept over me. Where was I?

It only lasted a moment. I sat up, pushing the fluffy comforter off me. I only then realized that I had fallen asleep in my sundress. I ran my hand through my hair, remembering that I had also forgotten to take off my bow. It wasn't there.

I sighed. I'd just find it later.

The living room was lit by the little bit of sunlight coming in through the windows. They were positioned to face west, however, so the rising sun didn't shine straight at me. I was thankful for that. No more waking up to the glaring rays flowing straight into my eyes.

I stood up, stretching my arms. My first night sleeping in my new apartment was amazing- I hadn't woken up once during the night. I felt refreshed. And hungry.

I looked at the kitchen, unsure. Would it be rude to just go through the fridge? I mean, maybe I could find a granola bar or something for a quick breakfast.

I stood on the step next to the couch, my brow furrowed. Maybe I should just go dig through my clothes for a clean outfit and walk to McDonalds. But then I would have to walk all the way down town and back up. Plus, I didn't know the code to the gate.

My stomach grumbled at me. Ah, fuck it, I thought, skipping across the room. I walked around the island, quietly looking through all the cabinets. The clock over the oven read 6:23. I didn't want to wake Len up this early on our first day of living together.

I paused my searching, fazed by the thought. Living together.

My growling stomach brought me back to my objective. I opened cabinet after cabinet, finding plates, bowls, cups, and everything else except food.

On the left side of the room next the fridge, I opened a cabinet that was almost as tall as me. My eyes widened as enough junk food to feed a small army was revealed to me. Doritos, potato chips, Oreos... My eyes scanned the cabinet like a hungry lion's.

They landed on a box of pancake mix. I bit the inside of my cheek, pondering whether or not I should make them. I mean, they were my favorite breakfast food of all time.

I shook my head and grabbed a package of pop tarts. I didn't want to make a mess.

Pop tarts in hand, I walked to my room, and stared at my boxed belongings.My measly amount of belongings made my new room look even bigger. I unwrapped my breakfast, and took a bite. These boxes weren't going to unpack themselves, so I set the poptarts on one box, and opened another.

The box of choice was full of my clothes. I opened my closet, shocked that someone could even own enough clothes to fill it. Luckily, there were empty hangers lining the walls. I grabbed a handful off the metal bar, and threw them on the box next to my pop tarts.

One by one I unpacked my sloppy pile of dresses, placing a hanger in each one. Every once in a while I would break another piece of my breakfast, slowly silencing my growling stomach.

When I finished with the first box, I folded it up and placed it in the back of my closet. Eventually, I made my way through the boxes, and through the pop tarts. The closet looked pathetic with entire wardrobe hanging in it; it didn't even take up a fourth of the space. Even with my jeans folded on the shelves. I chuckled. I always thought I had too many clothes. I guess I could tell my parents to keep my dresser.

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