Chapter 28

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 The sheets were warm, piled on top of me in layers. The downside of having an entire glass wall was that it got cold pretty quick, so we had opted to leave the fireplace burning throughout the night to combat it. I had slept fine with the combined warmth of the thick blankets, and Len next to me.

I sighed, slowly opening my eyes to the room. But the room wasn't the first thing I saw.

"Morning," Len smiled softly. We shared a pillow, facing each other, only an inch or two apart.

I grinned sleepily in response. "Morn-" I covered my mouth. "Ugh, gross." I laughed. "Morning breath."

He just laughed. He was resting his head on one arm, the other snaked around my waist.

With another sigh, I closed my eyes once more, snuggling into the pillow. We were so close that I could feel his breath every time he exhaled. After a moment, I opened my eyes once more, finding him still staring at me.

Every time I looked at him, I couldn't help but grin. "What?" I asked.

He shrugged.

I narrowed my eyes at him, scooting just a little closer so that our noses were almost touching. "Why are you staring at me?" I giggled. My eyes closed, basking in his warmth. I didn't expect him to respond.

But he did.

"You're so beautiful."

My eyes shot open. He seemed completely unfazed, but I felt a deep blush rise to my cheeks. I didn't know what to say.

"Wh-whatever," I muttered, lowering my forehead to his chest in an attempt to hide my reddening face.

He chuckled. "Don't 'whatever' me."

"Whatever!" I said, louder. My voice was muffled under the blankets.

With another laugh, he pulled me closer. With a deep breath, my eyes fluttered shut, and I snuggled to him as I fell back asleep.

The show wasn't until tomorrow, and we had nothing planned for the day, so we spent it in bed, watching TV, and occasionally getting a little too close to each other. It was nearly five o'clock, and, after another episode of South Park ended, Len snatched his phone from the side table.

"The others are having dinner tonight," he said. "They want us to come."

I groaned. It had been almost a full day since I had wore clothes, and I was really enjoying it. "Do we have to?" I joked.

He sat up. The sun had drifted to the other end of the cabin, illuminating the room through the window. Just looking at the silhouette of his broad shoulders and strong arms made me smile.

"I think we should," he replied, his low-lidded eyes watching me.

I replied with a sigh. "But I'm having plenty of fun-"

"Rin," he scolded me with a laugh.


We both got ready quick, extinguished the fireplace, and locked the door behind us. My boots crunched in the heavy snow. He opened my door for me, and I shot him a sheepish smile in response.

The drive down the mountain felt shorter every time. We passed the main cabin, and I caught a glimpse of the sunset past it. So many amazing sights here, I thought to myself, leaning out the window to get the best view possible. The wind stung at my cheeks. It hadn't gotten any warmer since we'd arrived.

"Is the show indoors?" I asked, rolling up my window and holding my warm scarf against my cheeks.


Lynneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें