Chapter 27

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 It had been two weeks since our first night together, and since then, Len and I had become experts at sneakily flirting in front of our friends, teasing each other in public, and finding excuses to spend all of our free time in our apartment, alone. And we still couldn't get enough of it.

Luka had suggested leaving a few days before our show, so we could travel around the foreign city on our free time. Plus, we were all tired of doing nothing. So, a few days before our show, we found ourselves loading our luggage into the cars in the parking garage.

And Len insisted on carrying all of my bags.

"I'm not helpless, you know," I told him as we walked down the stairs. The others were already down there, waiting for us.

"I know," he responded, shuffling my bag on his shoulder. "But this thing is heavy. It's no big deal."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine." I walked behind him, so he didn't see me grinning in his direction.

"Took you two long enough," Gumi said once we appeared at the bottom of the stairs. Kaito and Gaku were nowhere to be found. They must have left already.

"Mr. Muscle over here fought me for like, twenty minutes because he wanted to carry my bags," I pointed to Len.

He just shrugged.

Miku closed her trunk. "And he won?" She laughed. "Come on. I can't wait to get there. And it's another long drive."

I opened the trunk to Len's car, letting him set the bags down with a sigh.

Miku turned her attention to us, her expression suddenly darkening. "And if you two pull another drag race-"

"We won't," Len promised without looking at her.

"Good. I don't want anyone dying," she grunted with her hands on her hips. "Rin, you riding with us?"

I looked between her and Len. "My bags are already in Len's car. Might as well go with him."

She shrugged. "You're missing a party." All the girls crawled into the back of her car, giving us a final wave before Miku joined them. "Be good," she warned us before shutting her door.

If only she knew, I thought with a grin.

They drove off, and I lowered myself into the passenger seat. "How long is the drive?" I asked Len once he sat next to me.

"A few hours at least," he answered, pulling his seatbelt on.

I yawned. "I might take a nap, then."

He grinned. "Did I keep you up too late?"

"Shut up," I muttered, smacking him in the shoulder.

He laughed, then put the car in reverse, backing out of the lot.

I must have passed out right away, because, next thing I knew, the sun was much higher in the sky, and snow covered mountains surrounded us.

"Morning," Len joked from behind the wheel.

I rubbed my eyes with the sleeve of my jacket. "How long was I out?"

"Basically the whole drive." He wore another dumb, proud smile.

I glared at him. "Stop it," I said.

"I'm just saying, you were pretty tired."

"Shut up!" I chuckled, taking note of our surroundings. We were on a one-lane, winding road. Walls of rocks surrounded us on either side. It felt like the two walls could smash together at any time with us in between. I felt suddenly claustrophobic. There were no cars behind us, but a familiar one in front of us.

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