She thought about this seriously for a moment, her legs curling up under her on the couch. "Gimmie the short first, and the long after."

I took a deep breath. "Me and Len started, like, fucking around."

The air itself froze, and Ia screamed. And I mean screamed. "What?! Like... like you're fucking Len Kagamine?"

My face turned red, and I nodded.

"What?!" She was in utter disbelief. She threw herself off the couch, standing over me like a giant. "Explain yourself," she demanded.

"So, like, we all went to Colorado Springs for this ball thing-"

"Ball? Like the fancy dance ball?"

"Yeah. And we stayed at this really nice hotel. And I mean, really nice. Our hotel room had a doorbell, and there was a bowling alley right below us."


"Yeah, us. Len and I shared a hotel room." She stared at me, waiting for me to continue. "I guess everyone figures that since we live together we can have the same room - I'm not sure. But it always happens. Anyway," I waved a hand at her, and she slowly slid down to her knees on the floor next to me. She watched me like a hawk as I continued the story. "So, we, like, went ice skating, and went to this ball together or whatever-"

"You went together?"

"Well, we went with everyone else. But everyone matched with their roommate, and since he's my roommate, you know? But anyway. We went to this ball and had, like, this really weird moment while we were dancing together-"

"Dancing together?" Ia looked like a toddler sitting for storytime.

"Yeah. And we had like this really weird... thing happen, and we kinda just ignored it. And then I didn't spend any time with him after that because the girls, like, pulled me away to hang out with them. And I kept saying I was going to talk to him about it but I never really to the chance. So then, fast forward to next day, I ride home with Luka and Miku instead of him, and then hang out with them all day, and at the end of the night everyone kinda gathered in their apartment with us, because, you know, that's just where we all like to hang out."

"Uh huh." Her eyes were wide.

"So we're all hanging out, and we're playing this game where they basically ask me a bunch of crazy questions to embarrass the shit out of me, and, at the very end, Miku's all like-" I sit up tall, my voice raising an octave as I try to mock her speech "-'Rin, we're gonna close our eyes, you need to pick someone you want to fuck, and tap them on the shoulder.' So they all closed their eyes-"

Ia laughed. "That's bold of her."

"They kept asking me that question all night, and I kept not answering it, so she was really just trying to get me to finally answer it, in a way, I think. Anyway, when everyone had their eyes closed, I basically just started making out with him."

She rocked towards me. "Dude. You're so sly."

"Thanks," I laughed. "But then, right after that, everyone opened their eyes and they were all completely clueless, and we went up to our apartment. Annnnd..." I trailed off.

"Rin. You can't stop there."

"Well it gets kinda... personal after that." I laughed again.

Ia was entranced. "A year ago, I never would have even imagined in my wildest fucking dreams that you would be fucking a celebrity. Or that you'd be a celebrity!" She exclaimed. "It's almost funny, now, how much he hit on you before-"

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