Going to Beacon and meeting new people..... Sort of

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Timeskip to Beacon Academy because I am out of ideas for the beginning

We made it to a place after a long journey, is this place even Beacon?? It looks nothing like a beacon, and I am now hungry for bacon. For some reason.

Me: Ok, why are we here again? And what do we do next?

Godzilla: This is Beacon Academy, and next we change.

They then start to shrink and change in appearance.

Me: Wait, how do I change?!?

Godzilla: Just try!

Me: Ok... here goes nothing....

I then try to concentrate on what I looked like and felt myself shrink in size, and my body felt like I was changing, until I opened my eyes, looked at my hands and saw that I was human. Well mostly. My spikes, tail and some skin were still sticking out, but didn't worry about it, because as Mothra said, I'm the strongest Faunus there is.

Me: Alright, now what?

Godzilla: Now, we attend Beacon.

I was about to start moving, until I sensed someone watching us, and so I looked towards some foliage and saw a few red eyes.

Me: Hey I know you're there, so come out now.

When the person walked out, I saw that the person was female and had bonelike armor and a tail that splits into two, and also had a little Ghidorah on her shoulder.

When the person walked out, I saw that the person was female and had bonelike armor and a tail that splits into two, and also had a little Ghidorah on her shoulder

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(don't worry too much about it)

(I know this is a lego, just act like it isn't)

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(I know this is a lego, just act like it isn't)

Me: Who are you? Why were you hiding in there? And what do you want?

The woman didn't answer and just walked past me, as I heard an explosion, but didn't think much of it. I then ran to catch up with the others.

And as soon as I walked into the building, I saw Mothra and a rabbit Faunus getting bullied by four stupid-looking people, which they do not want to be seen doing so, because I'm gonna wipe those smiles off their shitty faces and the four think their so tough, well, they'll see when they try and face me, but this time I just gave them a death glare, which they of course ignored, like idiots. I then started to walk on as I felt bad for leaving them there.

Me: How stupid of me! I should have helped them, but I didn't!

I then mentally both facepalmed and slapped myself across the face, as I kept walking as I was wondering where I am supposed to go now.

Me: I should have asked Godzilla where to go before they left.

I then sigh in disappointment and start to head back towards the bullies, Mothra, and the rabbit Faunus.

Me: Why did I not help them beforehand?

When I made it to them, I wish I didn't. I really felt like I was going to puke, both mentally and physically.

Timeskip because I don't want to write it. You guys can take a wild guess at what happened.

After I stopped the bullies from doing their damn thing, i just threw them out of the building, as we made our way to where we needed to go.

Timeskip again because I don't know where they're supposed to be going.

After the meeting, tomorrow is the initiation.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2019 ⏰

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