Without Me 《BOOK 2 : Nine》

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"you were looking for me?" Jungkook said glancing at Jimin who nod, "yeah....I had a talk with Taehyung..." Jimin sigh and look over his shoulder to see Seokjin sitting down alone, the three decided to talk inside a cafe in which Seokjin wasn'g allowed to listen according to Jimin's decision but to Seokjin he didn't protest anymore and enjoyed his peaceful time.

"so what?" Jungkook said earning Jimin's attention, He roll his eyes, "you know how he is...Taehyung is a monster...I bet his already planning on how to kill you" Jimin said tapping his fingers on the table, Jungkook chuckle, "last time I check, I was the one desperate enough to kill him...."Jungkook said landing his eyes towards Seokjin who sat peacefully, his long eye-lashes, soft plump lips, and the way he just looks outside the window with soft eyes...Jungkook spread a gentle smile when Seokjin and him made eye contact that cause him to be flustered and to look down.

"but things have change....I'm not that person anymore...I want to be a better person for Seokjin...a person who he can rely on and I will be that person...I just need him to accept me...and forget about that damn bastard" Jungkook said and it gave a different feeling to Jimjn, it was as if he was talking to a person that he never knew and because of it Jimin giggled, "yeah...you did change, in a good way though...and I became more less paranoid because of Namjoon, his my comfort..." Jimin blush as he continue to talk about his lover, Jungkook smile knowing his older did change too...

"by the way....does Namjoon hyung knows about this...like we're you know???"

Jimin shakes his head, "I...didn't tell him yet...He might leave me if I told him about you being my half brother especially Taehyung...remember? Bang...bang" Jimin said imitating the gunshot of a gun, Jungkook almost spit his drink when he remembered those..."uh....yeah...I probably shouldn't have done that...but what can I do? It was the only way for Seokjin to agree and live with me even though it felt to him like hell..." Jungkook said followed by a heavy sigh, Jimin nod and pat his head, "you did great protecting him Kookie....I should be get going now I promise to meet Namjoon at his office...bye now" Jimin said and bid goodbye's to Seokjin and Jungkook.

Jungkook stood from his seat and walk towards Seokjin's table and sat opposite of him, "what did you guys talk about?" Seokjin ask him, Jungkook shakes his head, "it's a matter between him and me...but I think you have the right to know...we we're talking about Taehyung" Jungkook said resting his chin against his palms, Seokjin raise a brow.


Jungkook nod, "yeah..him, the guy is probably still crazy for you...we just don't know much about his motives but we do know for sure his after me..." He said with a sigh, Seokjin frown. "and he will do anything to get me..." Seokjin mumble, knowing that if Taehyung did succeed...Seokjin is going to face hell all over again.

Jungkook chuckle and held his hand placing soft gentle kisses.

"I won't let that happen...."

Seokjin blush and had his head low, Seokjin could only nod and look away.

"h-how are you so sure?" Seokjin stuttered when he felt Jungkook's strong yet gentle grip on his hand.

"Because....your mine...."

Jungkook stood up and lifted his chin, connecting both of their lips together as they both shared it with passion, Seokjin gasp but it didn't felt wrong to him because he returned the kiss with the same strong passion as Jungkook fet for him....Jungkook pulled away and smile as he looked at Seokjin with loving and caring eyes.

"and I'm yours..."


Without Me || taejinkookWhere stories live. Discover now