new school vol 2

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Nona:Here i am.  i mean its nice.... why are they staring at me? oh no,  this guy over there laughing  at me.  I need to fucking stop. Stop!

I just... wanna have peace for lord sake.

I turn around my head looking at some kids.

who is she??

that girl that just turn my way. 

I couldnt move my eyes off her. She looked like popular girls. I mean,  most popular girl. She was looking  behind me and then she saw me looking .Then just past a 10 sec and i moved my glaze,put my head down and keeped walking inside school.

uh im so awkward .What am i doing?

I keep on walking to the director office. I needed to took papers,write them.  Then some girl interrupt  me.

Jenny: hey, your new here? Im Jenny btw. 

she put her hand to shake mine i guess

Nona: yes, Nice to meet you Jully

Jenny:Jenny is

Nona: yea.. sorry

Jenny; its fine,  it happens. what did u sign? how much papers?

Nona:not much, like 9.

Jenny: hahha right.

director:here miss Nona.  lets go this way.

Jenny: bye Nona.

I wave her and keep on going behind director.

director first enter the class , then he call my name. I enter in as he call me.

teacher: hi Nona,  This is your new class.

Nona: hi..  everyone.

everyone said hi to me.  i look at them,  somehow. 

then i saw that girl i saw earlyer. She was really mesmerizing. she look at me and i stop breath for sec. She  chaw gum. It was pink color then she poop balon. I didnt look at her directly but when i was again she didnt looking at me anymore. She was laughing with some friends in front.

teacher: you can take your place now, oh right here . next to Robby.

Robby was a boy. He didnt look verry good. He look disgusting for my taste ugh.

Robby: i dont want to sit with her.  im good like this.

class: hahahaha.  uf..  rude onee.

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