New home

22 1 0

Clare POV

Clare:In this town hm.. Does it always raining like this?
Driver:Yes miss
Clare : how much longer? Hm?
Driver : one hour miss
Clare: ah.. u need to drive faster!  Dont u know that my parents waithing for me.
Driver: im sorry. I cant go faster than 60.
Clare: u stupid reckless  fool. I and my family are giving u money. withaut us u will be dead like ur stupid family. show some respect. dont u know who i am?  hm?
Driver: i.. im really sorry
Clare : that wont help u
Crush *

Clare: uh..  my f.. face.
I felt blood on my face. I look at my hands.  They were bloody . On my side  window got crushed . My face hurt and my whole body was in fricking shock. I tryed to get out but i fall on my front side. I crawl outside.  I look up. Some black idiot was standing there.
Clare: help.. Ah..

Car was simply crush,  because of tree that felt. It was because of thunderstorm.
someone in dark cowboy boots came and stand in front of me.

Writer POV
Dark man. thats how we gonna call him. because he was wearing all black. 
Dark man just took big rock and smash her head off. Her fingers and legs was still moving. Then he walk to the front of car,  knock on the window of driver seat and gone.

Police came later like always and then ambulance. driver survived But unfortunally he couldnt speak ever again. because of shock that happen 3 hours ago.

Nona:its so rainy here father
Father : yea,  some good fresh rain. you will get used to it. For sure.
Nona: im so sick of that
Mother : oh u tennegers. I needed to walk home from school every day for hour.  what about that huh?
Nona : terrible.. Oh no.. Poor you. I am like so glad I dont have to
I said sarcastically.
Mother : mhm..

Father:Oh..  here we are. Our new home. What do u think buddys?
Nona: i actually like it
Mother: Wonderful
She kiss dad. Ugh disgusting.

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