"Luci, I made 3 of what you are making. David loves them all. His favorite is the blue one." Meadow told me. I looked at her. 

"What about the boys?" I asked her. She looked at me like I was nuts. 

"They don't see nothing. David and I put the boys down to bed at 8:30, and by 9 they are sound asleep so we can play. You and Brantley will get in the swing of things once that baby gets here." Meadow told me. I smiled down at my baby. I can't wait to hold them and kiss them. I can't wait until I get to be a mother. I had the best mother to raise me, and my child will have a good mama. 

"So you want me to help you with this, or do you think you can do it now." Meadow asked me. I looked at her. 

"I knew I could do it." I told her. 

"Yes, but now you know how long you want it to be now." Meadow said to me getting up and walking back into the cabin. I smiled down at this lime green satin. I need to be the best mother to my baby and at the same time I need to be the best wife to my husband. I am a married woman and I have no reason to be ashamed for nothing that I nor my husband do. We are happy with each other. I cut the satin down the middle. I got a few more idea's on what I'm going to use the rest of the satin with.

Meadow and I sat outside for another 2 more hours before Running Star woke up. After Running Star woke up Meadow feed him, while I made us some lunch. Nothing to big just a sandwich. After we got done eating lunch we went back outside so we can all take a short walk around the cabin. Just cheeking on the farm. I hope the boys are safe and hungry for dinner tonight Meadow and I are making a chicken roast, taters, carrots and cabbage. With an apple pie for later.  After our walk I went back to my sewing. I really want this done as soon as possible. While I was working on my sewing Meadow just relaxed as mush as she could and not letting Running Star out of hands for the most part. I know she's a nervous wreck right now. 

We was sitting in at the kitchen table waiting on the men to return. I know Brantley saw the Indians today, but we haven't seen no one since Brantley, David and the boys all rode out together. Minnie was barking up at storm outside. Meadow and I looked at each other

"What is up with her?" Meadow asked me. I looked over at her. 

"I don't know. I bet she's missing Brantley. Like I am." I said to her. I looked over at the clock and saw it was already 6:45. Brantley said he will be back by 7. 

"I miss David and the boys. I hate this. Our families could be dead and we are just sitting here cooking like a good wife should." Meadow said to me. 

"Brantley's alive." I said to her. Meadow looked at me. 

"How do you know?" She asked me. I smiled at her. 

"Easy. I still feel his love for me." I said to her. Meadow smiled at me. 

"I like that. Your right. I can still feel David and the boys love. Thank you Luci." Meadow said to me. I smiled at her. 

"Your welcome Meadow." I said to her. I walked over to her and gave her a hug and Running Star a hug as well since Meadow is still holding him.  

"I love that we are best friends." I said to her. Meadow smiled at me. 

"Me too." Meadow said to me. We both giggled at each other. The door flew opened. Meadow and I both grasped when we saw an Indian looking at us. 

"Luci slowly move to the back door." Meadow told me. I'm so scared right now. The tall Indian walked into my cabin. 

"Luci run!" Meadow yelled at me, pulling me out to the back door. We ran out of the cabin only to run into more Indians all over the farm. Meadow and I was both yelling for help, when we heard a gun shot go off. I looked over and saw Brantley and David riding down the mountain shooting at the Indians. Meadow kept on running to the woods with Running Star in her arms. I ran over to the barn to hide. Brantley and David were yelling and shooting at the Indians. David rode over to the ban

The will of the Gilbert's (An Brantley Gilbert Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now