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(Wish You Were Sober-Conan Gray playing)


ive never been to a club before and first times tend to have a feeling of both excitement and anxiousness.on the way i kept thinking if what im doing is right since im not a party person,i dont easily open up then belong to the crowd, i might ditch the party and my friends.

but if i wont go its oppurtunity loss besides im with sunwoo and hwall,what could only go wrong is if i wont let myself get swayed and control my alcohol. i decided to go since its better than ditching and say my pathetic excuse.

outside the club was a line of people waiting impatiently as expected.i was too caught up in my thoughts i didnt notice we were at front,i began to feel small as i bumped into the bouncer.

oh gosh i know im this fidgety but i
cant help myself.as soon as we stepped inside,the loud music bombed through my ears as if it's throbbing there.i can barely hear people's words.

the lights are blinding,i had to blink and move all around to get properly settled.
im scared:of the crowd...this wary
feeling,the thought of being lost
,just everything-

i gasp when i become aware im with
hwall and sunwoo,what if they already
left me behind ?no way,we're grouped
together just a while ago.

"haknyeon ! earth to haknyeon."
it was sunwoo snapping and calling me
all this time.

i gasped again as my startled eyes met his.

"sorry i spaced out,it's my first time."
with my hands patting my pockets.

"yeah,same here."
sunwoo smiled and nods,he quickly viewed
the whole dancefloor as if it was overwhelming.

and at that minute when he said that,i felt assured standing next to him that i am safe...for now.

(This party's shit, wish we could dip
Go anywhere but here 🎶)

i dont want to ruin our night,i also want to have fun with them.it should be perfect,no worries but if achieving that has to be after you...then i guess i'll stick around since,it's

"i learned the first right thing we should do
is get a drink."
hwall suggested as we move along in
a corner.

right...thing ?

"as expected of hwall,you really
know the drill."
sunwoo commended hwall in his idea
which my dumb ass forced to agree since
i dont know how to get a drink.

"okay lets do that,but um before we go
all out and dancing can the 3 of us stay together...im scared of getting separated."
good,i said it,i finally said it.

"hak,no one will look after you
the way we do,relax we got you.
if ever,if ever by
accident we are everywhere,just
call us,leave a message."

sunwoo at it again with those lines,he sound
so chill about this but alrighty then.

"oh,sure.then, how about a meeting pla-"
before i could've finished my words and
tell my plan.both of them walked straight through the crowd,to get drinks.

alrighty then, i'll just have to stay the night.

a few moments later im now holding a beer, first gulp tasted awfully bitter, taste like soda but rusty. "is this the time i should say im tips-"

"whoa there,sorry"

i almost dropped my bottle. i turned around to see the guy who bumped into me.
"its okay,no worries" really hak ? nothing is okay :((.

"first time ?" now that i've taken a proper look, because of the white light,it appears he  he dyed his hair orange.

"hahaa,was it obvious ?" i replied shyly.
oh shit,no,that was wrong move,i forgot im partying with strangers.

"im Q, i love dancing. you ?"
ohhh...he has dimples.

"uhh...im Prince" oh my ghawd haknyeon
thats too fancy for a guy's name.

"Prince? nice name. Oh thats my jam playing- lets dance !" Q pats my shoulder inviting me to the dancefloor.

Sigh. im no good at dancing.

Q showed me his dance moves, man this guy does not run out of energy. he says he likes dancing since he was a pure lad.

"seems like your practicing is paying off."
i started to do a small talk while i uh...lets just say vibe rather than dance. i mean can u call nodding as dancing ??

"i knoww right, i enjoy performing in street showdance. Met a lot of competetive dancers, so cool and lit. Ill show you a vid of me next time."

"wow thats nicee, so we're going to exchange our social accounts then ?!" i didnt notice were going to be yelling at each other at this point.


if theres one thing i learned about clubs
is that they make people insane over time.
yes, this is how to talk to people at parties slash club whatever fck it.

Nineteen but you act twenty-five now 🎶
Knees weak, but you talk pretty proud, wow
Ripped jeans and a cup that you just downed
Take me where the music ain't too loud 🎶
(Conan Gray - Wish you Were Sober)

haknyeon and q in the dance
floor :

haknyeon and q in the dance floor :

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(an : happy new year im back.lovelots)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2021 ⏰

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