Security Alert

145 13 6

Chanyeol POV

"No sir you don't understand! I- hold on... Baekhyun! Put the Limited Edition Iron Man Civil War action figure down right this instant! Or no more Happy Time for the rest of your Happy Week! Ok I'm back now sir... Sir? Dammit!" I put my phone in my pocket rubbing my eyes.

"Daddy? Baekkie is bad?" I sighed and stared down at the droopy ears and big teary eyes.

"No Baekkie, you're not a bad boy, you just need to start listening and not touching what isn't yours." I grabbed his hand and walked him into the bathroom. "Now it's bath time so I'm gonna start your bubble bath and you are gonna choose some jammies ok?"

With a happy squeal he rushed out of the room... And straight to mine. Lately the boy has been using my shirts and hoodies as clothes. Not that I mind, not at all! It's cute and he looks really snuggly and makes me wanna kiss him- wait no!

Shit what is he doing to me?

"Daddy! I cant find your working hoodie! I wanna wear that one!"

"Baek, that is my official FBI hoodie, you can't wear that one." I leaned against the door frame, watching as he sat down with a huff.

"But I wan' that one! It fluffy and smell like Daddy!" His lower lip started to wobble and his eyes started getting teary.... the start of a tantrum. I sighed and grabbed the hoodie he wanted off the top shelf. With a squeal of delight, he ran into the bathroom, and soon enough I heard the loud splash of a body jumping into water.  I sighed. Note to self: bring a bunch of towels back with me.

An hour later, and Baekhyun was sitting on the edge of the bed, pouting at me, his small corgi ears wilting as he held out the hair dryer and brush, waiting for me to do the job. With a long exhale, I scooted back, allowing the smaller male to sit between my thighs. 

Turning the dryer on warm, I gently thread my fingers through his hair, ruffling it while it dries. Baekhyun's cute little nub of a tail wriggling as his legs swung like a child.

When all of his hair was dry, I set the dryer down, and pressed a quick kiss to his head....

Ah fuck! Why did I do that?

With a happy squeal, the boy launched into my arms, throwing us both backwards on the bed. Wriggling around he positioned himself so his head was on my chest, tucked tightly under my chin, his ears twitching.

"Daddy? I tired. Lemme sleep here tonight." He mumbled, and I could basically see his eyes drooping in that cute way they do.

"Alright Baekkie, you can sleep here tonight." I wrapped my arms around his waist protectively.

"Good, otherwise, I was gon' bite you" He giggled, before falling fast asleep with a small yelp. Sweet dreams Baekkie, tomorrow is going to be a long day.

Unknown POV

Damn it! I lost the boy again! That fucking FBI informant was wrong, Baekhyun is not where he said. I don't like being lied to.

Beware you damn FBI agents, I am coming for what is mine, and I wont stop until I get my hands on my son.

A/N Happy New years! Everyone tell me your hopes for 2020 and what you'd like to see more of from me. I know I'm not the best with regular updates but, I am trying to squeeze it into my schedule. I love you all!

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