Not a Puppy... But a Vixen

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Chanyeol POV

I woke up to a fuzzy ear tickling my nose, a smile unconsciously making its way to my lips. I cracked one eye open to look at the head buried under my chin, his ear twitching every few seconds. Carefully, I moved Baekhyun until his head was resting on the pillow. His lips made an unconscious pout before he turned and hid under the pillow.

Smiling as I climbed down the stairs, preparing a breakfast of eggs, pancakes, toast, and juice. flipping pancakes while checking on the eggs, an hour later, a feast was laid out on the dining room table, just in time too.

"Daddy, I can't find Pinku Pinku~" I turned with a smile on my face at the boy.... before my jaw dropped to the floor. Baekhyun was wearing one of my white silk button ups, unbuttoned with a pair of.... are those... oh my god... he was wearing red lace panties and a leather thigh garter.

I swallowed hard.  Where did he even get those?!

His thighs were pale and smooth, not a single hair to be seen. His tummy was a bit pudgy but in a really cute way, there were tiny scars flecking his torso, and a small tattoo on his collarbone... numbers inked in bold.

"Daddy~ Why aren't you listening to me?" I snapped back to reality. 

"Sorry Baek, what was that?" I turned back to the table trying not to let the fact that he was moving up behind me get under my skin. Two small dainty hands wrapped around my waist, a solid weight now resting on my back. "Come on Baek, breakfast time." 

With a small giggle, he let me go, skipping to his chair. I gulped, watching as his thighs jiggled slightly with every step he took. Lord have mercy on my soul.

-After Breakfast-

"Daddy! Tobennie took Pinku Pinu! Make him give it back!" I sighed, looking up from the case file I was reading.

"Baek, you can't come to me for everything-"

"I-I do not!" He pouted, stomping his foot like a child on the verge of a tantrum.

"Baek, you had me feed you, brush your teeth, comb your hair, dress you, brush you again in your corgi form, and then bottle feed you milk. Now you want me to settle a trivial thing between you and Toben? Baek, you are almost an adult. I think it's time you start doing things on your own, don't you?" I tried to ignore the way his bottom lip quivered.

"B-but Eomma Kihyunnie and Uncle Froggy told me Daddy would do anything I say!" Oh shit, what do I say to that?

"Um, listen Baek that's partly true, but you also need to make decisions for yourself." He seemed to pause at my words, his pout disappearing for a second before a smirk formed. This can't be good news.

With a sway of his very plush hips, he sat down on my lap, straddling my waist. I stiffened when I felt his front touch my stomach.

"Baekhyun what are you doing?" My voice sounded strangled and tense.

"Making my own decisions, and right now I've decided that I want you." My mind went on a complete stop at his words... and tone. It was like I wasn't talking to Baekhyun at all, it sounded nothing like him. This is so not normal... but then again, I am talking about the world's first hybrid.

I gotta find a way to call-

"WASSUP MY PARTAY PEOPLE!" I sighed in annoyance and relief at Jongdae's annoying and angelic voice. "Whoa! Agent Park! You didn't tell us you had a little-"

"Baekhyun?!" I cringed at the next voice. Shit.

"SEHUNNIE!" I tried not to miss the warmth Baek provided as he skipped up to the tall sniper, climbing onto his back to hang off his neck like a koala.

"Hey Bubbles, how are you? Park isn't trying anything funny on you is he?" He gave me this dead look as he spoke, his eyes telling me that if I hurt or tried anything on Baek, I'd find myself on the wrong end of a sniper scope. I shuddered just thinking about Sehun's perfect shot score.

"Daddy has been awesome! Isn't that right Daddy!" I mentally face palmed as Jongdae turned to give me the most awful Cheshire cat grin.

"Yeah Daddy isn't that right." Damn you Jongdae!

"Baek, go to the kitchen and get our guests some water. Remember what I told you?" 

"Yes Daddy! Only carry one glass at a time! Unless there are lids, then it's ok! See Daddy, I remember what you tell me!" He giggled, giving me his sweet eye smile. With a sway of his soft hips, he went to grab the water. As soon as he disappeared behind the door, I leapt up, grabbing ahold of Sehun's jacket.

"You gotta help me man! He's driving my hormones insane! And I think he knows what he's doing to me!" I nearly broke down in tears. Sehun was, of course, unwavered.

"Suck it up Park. SSA Yoo told me to warn you about his heat. It's starting soon, sometimes it's early, sometimes a few days late. He doesn't know what he's doing. After his heat, he'll become that innocent little puppy he was before. If you want, I can ask Suho to bring in-"

"No! That's ok.... I'll um handle it." Before we could discuss further, a loud crash echoed fromt eh kitchen. Don't tell me-

"Daddy! I dropped a plate!" I jumped to my feet, rushing to the kitchen. 

"Baek, that is more than A plate, that's almost my entire stack." He looked to the ground, biting his lip. 

"I'm sorry Daddy, I didn't mean to I promise." He looked about ready to cry, my poor pup. I grabbed his shoulder, pulling him to my chest.

"It's ok Bab- I mean Baek. Let's get you out of here so I can clean. Go to the living room and watch Bubble Guppies ok?" He nodded, giving my collarbone a kiss before he left, my heart doing somersaults as his perky ass left my line of sight.

"Agent Park? You're drooling."I snapped my mouth closed, wiping my lips on my sleeve before grabbing a broom.

"Shut up Jongdae, did Suho even clear you to come here?" Silence was what my question met. "Figured. If you don't leave in the next minute, I'll call SSA Suho myself." 

He left so fast, I could have sworn dust puffed up in his wake. I turned to Sehun, my eyebrows raised.

"Hurt him Park, and you'll find yourself with the entire FBI Sniper Special Ops on your ass. He's like my brother, I will do anything to protect him. You didn't see how he was when we found him, and I'm not gonna tell you. But I will say this, it took him 6 months to even look up from the ground."

Without another word, he left, leaving me alone with my thou-

"Daddy! I don't feel so well."




"Daddy?! My twinkie is hard!? What do I do?"

Baek's heat...

It's early...


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