Agent Park?

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Chanyeol POV

"Yah! Park fucking Chanyeol! Get up! There are some beefy muscle dudes wanting to talk to you!" I fought the urge to yell back to my loud mouthed sister. I love her, but she needs to learn that you do not wake up a teenager at 6 in the morning the day of graduation.

With some not so gentlemanly words, I rolled out of bed, landing with a thump on my hardwood floors. 

Trudging downstairs, I stopped at the wall that was somehow built overnight. Wait...

My eyes popped open to be greeted by a solid toned chest covered in a black silk dress shirt.

Fuck, I'm gay. Oh wait! We been knew fam, the whole fucking town knows I'm gay.

"Mr. Park? Hello, I'm Agent Shin from the FBI, we would like to talk to you about the possibility of joining the Los Angeles field office. My partner Agent Son, can brief you more in the car, for now we need to get moving, SSA Kim has a very short temper and we are running behind schedule."

My mind went blank, just staring at the man's mouth as he spoke. Cute lips, slight lisp, white teeth, damn he even sounds sexy as hell. 

"Mr. Park? Hello? Anyone home?" I felt someone knock on my head and I turned to the other human mountain with a scowl.

"No touchy! Personal bubble Mt. Everest, no crossy crossy!" I glared for effect, hiding my lanky 6'2 body behind that of Agent Shin. The two Agents looked at each other in amusement.

"This way, Mr. Park" With that, I fell in step behind them, my mind racing to figure out what I did wrong. They said SSA Kim, wasn't that like some CIA lingo or some shit? Fuck! What did I do to get the CIA on my ass? Hang on... 

Fuck! The cheat codes I created to beat all levels of Flappy Bird! How did they find out? Shit, maybe I can plead my case with this SSA Kim guy.

-Time Skip-

"Welcome Mr. Park, please have a seat!" Were the first words I heard as soon as I stepped into the nicely furnished office. The man sitting behind the desk had an easy smile on, but his eyes told the truth. He had seen far too much in his time, things I could never imagine. "I'm SSA-"

I fell to my knees in front of the man, my hands held up in a pleading manner. "I'm sorry! I swear I didn't mean to! It's just that damn bird kept mocking me! I had to create the cheat codes! I was going insane!" 

"Uh.... ok? Um Agent Shin, any idea what he's on about?" The man just shrugged his broad shoulders, staring out the window to the desks. I followed his stare, pressing my nose to the glass. Hey! That guy looks really pretty! Damn, is he even real? Are all the agents here sexy as hell? What the fuck man! It's a gay man's heaven here!

"-Park! Mr. Park!" I snapped out of my thoughts, turning to see a group of  6 really hot boys staring at me. "Mr. Park, I called you here because we have been keeping an eye on you. You have an amazing ability, with brains and strength at equal capacity. I believe you will be a major help to our team. So, I'd like to offer you a position here."

My jaw dropped. They want me? Nobody Nerd Park Chanyeol? I stared at the group in front of me, nervously gnawing my bottom lip.

"What would I even do here?"

"Well, I was thinking to start you off as a Field Agent trainee, under the supervision of Agent's Shin and Son. From there we will see. You have amazing potential, it would be a shame to waste it wouldn't you agree?"

"I... I accept." I beamed, pushing my glasses up my nose.

"Welcome aboard-"

"Agent Park? You ready?" I snapped out of my memories with a grunt. 

"Yeah, let's just get this over with, SSA Kim has something to tell me today, so might as well finish this mission." I got out of the car, drawing my gun. On silent feet, I crept closer towards my target.

There, sitting at the bar was Kang Daniel, son of Mafia Lord Kang. Apparently, Daniel has gotten into not so innocent things, so Suho sent me down to take him in.

"Daniel Kang! FBI Don't move!" I announced, aiming my gun. The man in question jumped up, a hand at his waistline. "Don't move! Put your hands where I can see them, slowly. I don't wanna have to hurt you." 

The thing about Daniel is that he may seem tough, but once you put your foot down, he's a complete and utter submissive.

-2 hours later-

"Good job Agent Park, Daniel Kang told us everything we needed to know."

"Thank you sir." Sleep sounds good right now.

"Ready for your next case?"

"Yes sir." Or maybe McDonald's... no Taco Bell, oh yeah bring on the tacos.

"Ok, well briefly what I can tell you is that you will be on protective detail for a... very special person. I have already sent him to your apartment with Agent Yoo and Agent Chae. He is a very high case, he is to be protected at all cost. You cannot leave him alone even for a minute." I nodded along to what he said, his words fading out as I thought of all the tacos I should eat. "And that's all you need to know. Remember, he's never been outside before, so introduce him to things slowly. You are the only one besides Agents Yoo and Chae who know of him. No one else can know. Understood?"

"Yes sir."


-At Home-

"Toben! I'm home!" I kicked off my shoes, heading into the living room. A ball of black came sprinting at my knees. "Whoa! Buddy what's wrong?" I rubbed the pup's head, giving him a gentle kiss.

That's when I saw him... it... um thing?

"Hello! My name is Baekhyun! Welcome home Daddy!"


I'm gonna kill you.

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