Rules for Baekkie

214 19 14

Baekhyun POV

I woke up with a snort, still curled up on Daddy's lap. Daddy was sleeping, silly Daddy! Shifting back into my human form, I scooted closer, resting my chin on his sturdy chest. Daddy looks so young! He has such a handsome face and puffy lips that look so soft! Maybe Daddy will let me give kissies! Baekkie loves kissies! Daddy smells good too! I want to smell like Daddy!

With that thought, I started rubbing my face against his neck, nosing at his collarbones. Daddy smells like cinnamon and vanilla with a hint of manly musk... Daddy smells like heaven, and now so will Baekkie!

"Bab- Shit Baekkie, why are you up so early?" I blushed at his husky morning voice... Daddy sounds very nice.

"Daddy, Baekki hungry! Can Baekkie have some Cheerio's?" I jutted my bottom lip out, giving my signature puppy eyes. I squealed in joy as Daddy nodded.

After getting me my Cheerio's, Daddy went to get dressed. A few minutes later the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it Daddy!!" I skipped to the door.

"Baekhyun no!" I paused with my hand on the knob, turning around with a frown.

"But Daddy, I wanna open the door! Pwease! Baekkie promise to be good boy!" I stomped my foot on the ground.

"No Baekhyun, when I tell you no that means no. Now go sit on the couch." I glared at Daddy.

"Stupid Daddy, meanie Daddy, dumb handsome Daddy." I whispered, shiffling to the couch.

"Hey guys come on in, he's in the living room." I ignored Daddy's words to the people on the other side of the door.

"Baekkie!!!" My ears perked up at the familiar voice, tears welling up in my eyes.

"Momma! Uncle Froggy!" I ran up and jumped on Uncle Froggy. I missed them so much, even though it's only been a day. I gave Uncle Froggy kisses all over his face, making sure to let Daddy see.

That was the wrong choice, Daddy looked upset.

"Ok guys, lets discuss what SSA Suho wanted me to know." I was passed from Uncle Froggy to Eomma Kihyunnie as we all went to the living room, me sitting down on Eomma's lap.

"Ok, so here's what you need to know about my baby Bark. He's the only successful Hybrid in the entire world, he came from an abusive home, he is also a Little, he loves cuddles and kisses, he hates cucumbers with a passion. Let's see... Oh! He loves watching crime shows, but he can't stand staying up past 9:30. He needs 3 naps a day totherwise he gets cranky." No one is paying attention to me! I put my fingers in Eomma Kihyunnie's mouth, poking at his teeth. There was a period of silence before Uncle Froggy cleared his throat.

"Anyways, Baekkie likes sweets but he knows when enough is enough. He needs to sleep with Pinku Pinku, a plushie given to him by Agent Oh. They are both very close, Agent Oh was there for the rescue mission. Baekkie needs to have a light on in his room, post trauma given to him from being kept in a small dark room. You also need to set rules for him. He needs to know where his limits are."

I sighed, this is boring. I wriggle out of Eomma's embrace, waddling over to Daddy. He was writing down what Eomma Kihyunnie and Uncle Froggy were saying. Daddy has funny handwriting.

"Well... Go on and make some rules. Kihyun and I need to go back to the office. Good luck Agent, you'll need it."

"Bye bye Eomma!! Bye bye Uncle Froggy!!"

"So Baekhyun, I guess now is the time to give you some rules. Um, 1. Don't leave without asking permission. 2. Bed time is 9:30, no arguments. 3. Bath every night ok? No stinky Baekkie. 4. Always tell me when spmething is wrong, and finally 5. Do not go into my office. Ever. Do you understand Baekhyun?"

I nodded, leaning forward to place my chin on his chest.

"Good boy, now it is 8:32 do you want to watch a movie?" I nodded again, staring into his eyes. Such a deep rich brown. "Baekkie? Are you ok?"

"Daddy, do you know you are very nice to look at?" His eyes widened before he let out a small laugh.

"Nah Baek, I'm just me. Come on let's watch-"

"We are watching NCIS Daddy!" I giggled, bouncing in his lap.

"Ok Baekkie, let's watch that."

-Time Skip-

"We spent almost the whole day watching NCIS, Daddy even let me cuddle him as my corgi form! Pinku Pinku! Daddy is the bestest Daddy ever! I hope he loves me like I love him, he makes me really happy. Ok is night night time! Good night Pinku Pinku! I see you morning!"

*At FBI office*

"Hey Kihyun?"

"Yeah Hyungwon?"

"Did we tell Chanyeol about Baekki's heat? Isn't that supposed to start soon? Kihyun? Are you breathing? Oh shit! Wonho call Shownu! I think Kihyun stopped breathing!"


"Shit! Changkyun look out!"

"Yoo Kihyun you put that stapler down right this instant!"

"Yes Suho sir."

"Everyone go home, it is almost 11pm and we have a lot to do tomorrow. Reports came in that Dr. Havendirk is looking for Baekhyun again and we know what that means."

"But sir... Isn't Chanyeol like 2 years older than Baekhyun?! Oh my God I've let my child move in with a horny 19 year old! Oh God!"

"My name's Sehun Agent Yoo but ok."

"Shut u-"

"Go Home!"


"Yes sir"

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