A New Life

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Lucy POV
I looked up at the school building. Beside me was it's sign reading "Magnolia High School". I grabbed my gym bag and started walking into the building.

As i entered students were swarming the halls. I quickly scurried to the office slipping between students every now and then. They were so tall compared to me. Well by two or just one inch but at least their growing.

I push open the wooden door with a gold plate that says Headmaster's Office' and went inside shutting the door behind me. I founded myself in a receptionist area.

A white haired woman sat behind a desk. She had her curly hair flowing in waves down her back with her bangs tied up into a small ponytail. She was wearing light make up and a beautiful maroon dress with pink accents that stopped mid thigh, black stalkings and maroon flats.

"Good morning. You must be Ms.Heartfilia the new gym teacher?" she held her hand out to me. I walked over to her and shook it.

"Yes i am, its nice to meet you in person Ms.Strauss. Just call me Lucy when we're not in front of the students." she nodded.

"And you can call me Mira. My actual name is Mirajane." We retracted our hands. "Master Makarov should be in his office right about now. Just go right on in." she pointed to the door a few feet away from her desk.

"Thanks Mira."

"No problem" I heard her say before walking into the office. I forgot to knock. The master gaped when he saw me and struggled to hide his scorceir weekly magazine under the big stacks of paper.

"Child you must knock before you come in next time. I could have been busy like i was just now." he said nervously stuttering. I giggled.

"Anyway. .my names Lucy, Lucy Heartfilia" i say. He raised his eyebrows.

"Oh right. Well Ms. Lucy its nice to meet you in person. You'll be dealing with the cheer leading, gymnastics, acrobatics, girls swim team, girls volley team, girls soccer team, girls tennis team and girl's track team. Here's your schedule.." he handed me my schedule which i gladly took. "And the keys to all the gyms and studios" he handed me a bunch of keys.

"Your partner will be dealing with the boys team but you wont see him til next week because he's on a trip with the boys soccer team so yeah." i nodded in response.

"Okay. I cant wait to meet him. Anyway.." i tuck a loose strand behind my ear "It was nice meeting you master"

"No problem child." He nodded before pressing a button on his desk. Mira came inside the office with her head held high.

"Yes Master?"

"Can you give Ms.Lucy a tour around the school and introduce her to the students and teachers please?"

"Oh yeah sure thing Master" she said before grabbing my hand. "Come on Lulu we got a lot of ground to cover"



The tour was over with an interesting thing happening in between. I felt my breathing pattern go rigid when i saw a boy. He had white hair and onyx eyes. Those same onyx eyes i saw before. I know i saw them before. But on a different face. Did Natsu and Lisanna....?

No. I shouldn't think about that. Its nothing. I probably just imagined it. Maybe they aren't his parents. I swear i need to let the past go. I run my hand through my hair and closed my eyes. Mavis its so painful.

I shouldn't jump to conclusions like that. Nashi wouldn't like that. Mavis wouldn't like that. I walk into the my bathroom and looked at my face. It looks drain and painful.

Sighing i ran out and to the kitchen. I opened the cabinet and grabbed my antidepressants and my other pills that Mavis gave me to get help me with my GAD and social phobia along with MD. I take one of each and drank it down with some water then began making dinner.

After i was done i ate my curry and rice silently before washing up everything and trotting into my bathroom where i took a quick shower and laid in my bed right after.

A murder can get in, make sure everything is locked.

I sat up and began to look everywhere in the room until i reached the door.

Don't go out there a murderer could get you

A murder can get in make sure everything is locked.

Something could be lurking in the dark don't go out.

A murderer can get in make sure everything is locked

I bite my lower lip and try to calm down my nerves as i ignore my thoughts. I swung open the door and ran like the wind turning the kitchen light on. Then i looked around turning around occasionally. I feel like someone is watching me from behind. Their playing with me.

I kept taking deep breaths and walked around the house locking everything and triple checking to make sure its locked. I then turned off the light, darted to my room and locked the door behind me. I put my hand on my chest and tried to calm my nerves as i trot over to my bed.

I closed my eyes, ignoring my thoughts and began to pray. A feeling of comfort and reassurance washed over me. Lord help me with this. Its driving me crazy. I'm lucky i wasn't sent to an asylum as yet.

I laid in my bed and played some soft music on my phone letting it ease my nerves more. Soon my breathing pattern stayed at a steady but gentle pace. I felt my eyelids get heavy and finally my mind was calm enough to sleep.

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