Today, Tomorrow, and Yesterday

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Cat got your tongue, I thought not,

Put in the very place, I sought not,

Taken away, I fought not,

Searching for the very thing, we're taught not,

Whisked away, the point I caught not,

Let the very answers you want, but bought not, fade away,

Into the abyss, of yesterday.


Into the abyss of yesterday,

may you ever watch the little children play,

In a plethora of pink and purple flowers, that plaster the pretty prairie,

Childish games with happy endings, nothing scary,

Not a fencing foil they must parry,

No nightmares to make them wary,

Not the slightest secret,

nor muddled memories to bury,

Everything glistening with clarity,

delicately dappled rarity.


Into the abyss of yesterday,

will you look upon today in dismay,

and wish that yesterday you had stayed,

the sun setting, colliding and confiding deep in to the trees,

burning passionately with color,

its beautiful depth, dark, brightness, made to lure,

Nothing really anymore, seems so sure

At the crossroads between one and another.


Into the abyss of yesterday,

where all is splattered in white,

so you'll never have to see the grey,

Oh, how bright the day, children, one beside the other they lay,

Watch, watch, watch,

the snow that sparkles so, glistening like the moon,

It's true hidden beauty blossoming like a butterfly in its cacoon,

And with each flake that will drop,

may it never, ever stop,

or melt, and never fade like all those feelings that were felt,

Like penguins they huddle and cuddle,

against breeze and flakes so sharp and subtle,

Though the ice does sting,

They won't ever have to feel a thing,

as they hum and sing,

Like nothing is wrong at all,






Into the abyss of yesterday,

May you drink the refreshing, ice, cold, water of the spring,

and fling that heavy fur,

across the misty morning, in all honesty, quite a risky blur,

Feeling revived, that you survived, the tomorrow you had always wished for today,

Time, ever how strange, impossible to change, so fast yet slow in its passing,

When all shadows that are cast, are of the past,

and forever will they last,

And one simple word can ricochet,

alone, ruin your day,

Make you wish there were another way,

That you may have the chance,

to change what you say,

It's all too real,

you can't change or say how you feel,

but still you run away,

from yesterday,

And yet it still haunts you today.

So desperately, you must think otherwise,

not letting others lead, or take blame for your demise,

But still you watch those small children play,

still trapped in the abyss, of yesterday,

And though they play well into the night,

their souls of pure white,

An enemy, of my enemy, is my friend,

Always offering a hand to lend,

But then again, they really havn't any foes,

Where the wind never blows,

nothing needs be shown,

here bestowed a landscape of beautiful, white night snows,



A place were nobody and nothing has labels,

Where childhood innocence may guide their sweet souls.

Spontaneous Works of an Endless Dreamer (Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now