Everlasting Love Exists?

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A child,  

a sweet child, 

walks by a little girl's house, 

day by day, 

so mellow, not the least bit wild, 

sees the girl from the window, waved and smiled. 

She snuck out the door, quiet like a mouse, 

Escorting the boy, across the street to play. 

She loved him but would never say, 

The little girl without a name. 


The longer they played, the longer he stayed, 

Day by day, by day. 

One girl the neighbour girl took her into the cool shade, 

Shoves her to the ground, 

Fallen by a blade, 

Of harshness, but didd insist, 

The small girl falls, shaken and does fade, 

The little girl runs off with her pack, 

But she doesn't fight back, 

Limps inside, 

Tears that were cried, 

She does hide, 

The little girl without courage. 


She watches the two of them grow close, 

But they don't see, 

What she lost and had once wanted most, 

Just him and she. 

She hadn't even desperately plead, 

Rather, instead, just did flee, 

Thinks the little girl without courage. 

But all little girls grow up, 


She watched, always, 

Though she always knew what she would see, 

But still hoped they'd go separate ways. 

Deathly afraid of the other girl, 

Wishing she was but a little pearl, she could throw on the ground and smash, 

And she'd be gone in just a flash, 

But that would be wrong, she knew that, 

Knowing equally, that the other girl did not, having no morals, 

And that was simply a fact. 

So she cried herself to sleep, 

Though she couldn't sleep in the first place, 

The secret the would keep, and hide without a trace, 

The little girl without courage. 


First comes dating, 

Look away, 

Then comes marriage, 

Hide your pain, 

Then comes a baby in the baby carriage, 

Save your pain for another day, 

Spontaneous Works of an Endless Dreamer (Poetry)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora