Poetry Contest: Round Two. Keeper of the Peace

125 9 11

A/N: Another poem for a contest. This prompt was upon a colour, and an element use. My colour was turquoise, and long story short, this poem uses the concept of how turquoise is in between green and blue. The elements I used were the turtle, peace, and the idea of a place 'in between'.


'Twas a turquoise, teal, turtle, 

With a faint dash of a sash,  

of an iridescent, effervescent, crescent  

upon its crown.  

He looks left,  

He looks right,  

But never down.  

Never once,  

Does he smile, 

Never once  

does he frown. 

Neither going above,  

Nor below obstacles and hurtles, 

Rather simply around. 

The sea washes him away from ocean floor, 

His very home, 

Of endless, infinite ocean shore. 

Yet strays neutral to war, 

Between the finite land, and sea, 

Putting beside silly decrees or degrees, 

Leaving fate, 

To the hands, 

Of destiny. 

Slipping out of the unpredictable tide's pull, 

Seemingly, to others, 

As but a foolish tadpole.  

They wished harm,  

Any existence of him, 

To cease. 

All for 

But his simple wish, 

Of peace. 


he simply closed his eyes, 

Into a daydream of azure,  

Crystal skies, 

But the only place, 

No time flies. 

In the impossible world, 

Of purely perfection, inception. 

One where there exists, 

no concept of deception. 

In a place safe from fight, 



In a place, 

Neither the sun,  

Nor the moon, 

Bid him,  


Neither day, 

Nor night, 

For the turquoise, 



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