Once upon a Lullaby

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Dreams, dreams,

Where never is ever, and nothing is what it seems,

Just close your eyes,

and listen to my,



No need to cry, sigh, be shy, or question why.

No, just close your eyes, to my lullaby.

My oh my, will I watch you fly,

touch the sky,

Once, upon, a lullaby.

Drift away, disappear, in a distance ever so far away, yet so near.

Stay, yes stay, yet all consiousness goes away as it may

But never fear, nor drop a tear.

Instead, forget your silly corrupted compass and properly planned destination,

seriously, just follow your imagination!

The vivid, striking, colours all depending on the day,

The place is key, and for once you're free, the rare occcasion you haven't the worry to watch what you say,

Where you can stare at the sky of pale blue hue, sit there peacefully and just lay and stay.

Listening to the sweet, beautiful words, gently richocheting across the hills, of a little tiny

hummingbird, such a sweet, harmonic blend.

Walk to and through an empty meadow, to which nobody would ever care enough to tend.

Perhaps plant a flower, or a few, maybe one or two.

Adding a bit of colour to the dusty horizon of old boring grey, one lonely mid-day.

The words in the background play,

at first unnoticed, then reminding you that bright, never ending day, for of course we all must wake,

for heavens sake,

leaving you bidding your farewells, and saying your goodbyes,

to a very lovely, little lullaby.

Spontaneous Works of an Endless Dreamer (Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now