Invisible Footsteps

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Upon a misty mountaintop,  

lay ice and fire,

staring away

in the soft hills of white, 

Bound by promises,  

glittered in the sparkly,

white light. 


One arises,  

one stays still,

as a fiery ball goes down that hill. 

Her only words being 'someday I'll return'

her deep, dark, sapphire eyes of the sea glittered full of crystals,  

pounding into the earth

with every step


                and away. 


All the while, 

the girl of the snow just sits by her lonesome,  

watching flake after flake skim that blank day, 

Carefully bound, forever there she sits,  

forever more she waits. 


Day after day,  

drift about dates and fates, 

The days winding together,  

but something catches

those cloudy, emerald, evergreen eyes. 

As footsteps upon footsteps she treads,  

through the fluffy, sticky, marshmallow,

though it tears her icy heart apart,  

her face caressed in tears as she cries. 

Why must life be ever so difficult,  

she wonders aloud, 

But lights of every color flickered,  

wandering across the sky,  

surrounding her snowy, pale, dappled skin,  

illuminating the luminescent beauty of everyday, 

prior to then she had failed to see,  

leaving her simply wowed. 


A dot upon the dusk,  

the girl of the snow trails on,  

her delicate light hair,  

sifting through winds of gust. 


Tired of being told must,  

or listening to this and that, 

or how they never cease to fuss. 

She slips upon the glassy ice,  

down that mountain,  

ever so far away. 


But her pallid palm, 

grasped by a spark of brilliant red,  

taken and set upon the top though cold and grey,  


there she lay. 




only on pair,

leading to a source never found, 

but not to fret, 

For they trail off into the pitch blackness of that dark, star filled night,

engulfed in the burning passion of the fire,  

melting away the ice cold snow in its bright flame, 

Leaving behind a path of dusty remain, 

As well as the ashes of ropes that once had bound a promise,  

only leaving deep scars and regret 

And the once properly kempt ginger as of now, 

was broken. 


Staring down at her friend limply lying,  



needing the impossible,  

only wishing she had taken her chance,  

there beside her lies a simple token. 


Only then did fire truly meet ice,  

as the misty sapphires and touched one last time,  

there faces as ashen as the other, and only then could she truly understand  

But when realization finally hit her it was already far too late as she took that icy hand, 

Footsteps covered, 

footsteps smothered, 

and the girl of sparks,  

a red star

against the never ending white landscape,  

sits alone, 

left to whatever be her fate.


And forevermore she'll sit,  


she'll wait.

Spontaneous Works of an Endless Dreamer (Poetry)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz