The Unknown and Forgotten

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A/N: This poem was written for class, using personification.


I am the sea so dark that contrasts against the horizon, 

In such a limit is my prison, 

Though you may wish for me to stop my follow, 

Don't bother with escape, 

For I'm prompt, 

Never late. 

Ah, dearie do you wish for tea?  

I'll be with you till three, 

Never mind that, 

Just a joke; why don't you laugh? 

Ahh.. Nobody ever gets my jokes 

Most are scared away

by my ever so dark hue. 

And pardon me, 

I don't mean to stare, 

Not exactly fault I'm always there 

You have eyes, and a whole world to see, 

Lots and lots of company. 

But me?  

On the contrary.

For I really do,

See all, 

Guiding the way, from which the sun never shines, 

Or the luminous light of the moon does fall, 

Being everywhere and nowhere at once.

Well, considering I can't say much,

to convince you, 

I haven't any feelings;

though I still know you're blue, 

For never do I speak, 

within me is but an eternity of secrets, of answers;

ones I'm forced to keep, 

Watching the future pass by.

If I didn't know better,

I'd say those feelings,

that I don't have, 

Are hurt.

Yeah, yeah, 

Lesson learnt, 

No messing with fire, else you'll get burnt, 


But water ails all burns,  

accompanied by many herbs and ferns.

But I can't get burnt?


My heart, it does hurt,

The one I don't have,

Throwing such troubles,

one after another

latent darts,

at a board,

to catch them, 

the sky.

But don't you worry your sweet little head,  

For my dear, I bid you adieu,

For now we part, 


And know these secrets,  

can lead you to the lands where none can chart, 

And now I shall leave you where all your adventures start, 

Well not actually leave, for that is impossible, 

In a place so beautiful, lush, and full.

Don't question me; for I know 

You must finish what you started. 

But only when it's too late;

you'll realize.

I'm your


your one true friend.

That little voice in your head, 

As you tread on in the land, uncharted, 

And your lost hopes and dreams;  

All these things wished for, I see, 

I know all things,

just ask.

Look behind you;

what do you see? 


You see me. 


But really, 

You don't.  

I ask, 

I beg you, to always remember my presence, 

The last, the past;

the future, and everything in between.

Though with time, one day,

perhaps you'll understand,  

You'll know.

That despite it all, I was always there for you.

Every time the sun set, the moon arose,

or the wind does blow.

All the pointless proofs I could show, 

but no time.

I beg of thee,

just don't forget me,

come what may, 

perhaps another day,

if you must know,

that forever and a day,

do I remain,

your shadow.

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