Absurdity at it's Finest

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A coat of silk,

dark grey,

Lying in the bright light and

warmth of day,

Tail a-flickering,

like a switch it whips,

And there it will crouch,

waiting to pounce,

at its target in nips and rips,

Then it slyly slips away,

creeping on its feet all four

As its dark agile paws,

flex swiftly across such sandy shore.


And there it goes to see

A stunning vision of brown and green touching sky,

a tree.

Like a natural acrobat, every subtle step with meaning

With agility in its claws, ever slightly leaning,

A grey, blur in the green,

Hardly to be seen,

Shaking away everything it used to know,

Blow upon blow, refusing to show

Not a hint of weakness

to its foe.



proves to be more difficult,

Faced with challenges and insult,

As it darts

and tries to bolt.


A branch its paw


An idea there off


As the twig beneath

breaks way.

Will it land right,

who's to say,

for that clever cat

has fooled many before

not a muscle to be tore,

in its eyes a look of bore,

which then flash in to a look of pure horror.


It's first thought, 'Look I'm flying'

changes to, 'No I'm dying'

and there the human lying,

screams out, 'What the heck is that'

and the answer, "My friend,

here you witness

an extremely rare occasion

of when

it rains cat."


Nine lives,

I'd think not,

as it lands,

not caught,





what is wrong with this lot.'

With it's damp, messy, hair,

still standing in the air,

from that scare,

To life's rhythm it's paw taps,

and despite that long days haps,

it's guard is slightly lowered,

as it's mind

takes a nap.

Spontaneous Works of an Endless Dreamer (Poetry)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें