Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

It was nearly impossible not to be on edge.

I could sense daemons nearby and I could feel the heat of their hellish red eyes on my wings.

Eve was nervous too, but she insisted everything was fine, I didn't pry, because if I did that would allow her to pry with me, and I couldn't have that, I can't lie to her.

After we went swimming, I took her to dinner. She asked for Italian food so I took her to the only Italian place in Rio, it was good, expensive too, but I could manifest enough human paper money to make their richest man look poor.

Not that I cared for money, my only joy was the smile of my Eve.

I manifested a dress and for Eve to change into, pretending I'd had it in my car the whole time. It was a simple, long black dress beaded with silver to look like starlit water, and I created a pair of black ballet flats to ease her feet.

We shared an order of spaghetti and ate off the same plate, there was a moment when we were both slurping noodles and our noses touched because we were eating the same noodle. Eve bit off the noodle and blushed bright red under her cream and chocolate skin.

I smiled, cupped her face and kissed her forgetting for a moment about the daemons watching me.

"Would you like to dance, parjarita?" I asked. They were playing violin music, a perfect setting for a dance under the twinkling lights of the starts and lanterns of the restaurant deck.

She smiled, "I would love to."

I pulled her out of her chair, twirling her into my arms and dancing with her gracefully, I'd had a couple centuries to perfect my dancing, and making sure Eve didn't trip and fall was just an adorable thing to keep me on my toes.

It was the first time we had slow danced where Eve didn't start the dance nervous and staring at her feet. She was even dancing gracefully, I barely had to help her, there were only a couple times where I had to lift her, but at those times she was staring at me with gooey look in her eyes.

It was a beautiful night.

When the music had stopped and the clock tower had rung midnight, Eve was barely awake, her head leaning on my chest with a faint, sleepy smile on her face.

I chuckled. "Eve, wake up. I gotta take you home. I meet your brothers tomorrow."

Eve moaned and wrapped her arms around my waist. "No." She whined sleepily. "I don't wanna."

I chuckled again and lifted her off my chest. "Come on, Eve. I'll drive you to the cemetery."

Eve sighed and shook her head. "No, my brothers are picking me up not far from here. I need to go." She stood up on her tip toes and kissed me. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." I said. Standing there as she skipped away and rounded a corner, a moment after she was out of sight I felt her presance dissapear from earth.

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