Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

I took Eve to the house I had. It wasn't fancy, just a small beach house in the jungle, maybe a five minute walk from the beach. It had two bedrooms, a bathroom, kitchen and living room.

Eve cried for most of the night, there was nothing I could do except hold her until she passed out. When she was finally asleep, her pain filled face relaxing into slumber, I carried her to the spare room and let her sleep.

Closing the door behind me I sighed. It killed me that Eve was hurting. More than anything I wanted to ease it, but I knew there wasn't much I could do.

I just had to try in any way I could, let her know I was there for her.

There was a flash that came from the living room and a whispered, "Angelo?"

I walked around the corner to see Adam and Katelyn standing in the dark room, their halo's and wings illuminating it with a soft white glow.

"What do you want?" I asked, my eyes narrowed and body tense.

"Don't give me that attitude, Angelo!" Katelyn snapped, she was furious. "What in God's name were you thinking?"

"She was dying, Katelyn!" I growled. "The Cells were killing her, I couldn't just let her die. You know that!"

"Angelo, she's the Devil's daughter!" Adam cried.

"Shh!" I hissed. "You wake her and what I do to you will make the hole in the ozone look like a small tear."

"Fine," Adam whispered. "Are you going to tell us what happened?"

I sighed and told them about my visit to Hell.

They were horrified that I'd willingly gone to Hell to save Eve, but even more shocked to hear about the reaction of Eve's family.

"They just accepted you?" Katelyn said, still reeling.

I nodded. "They have a strong bond, strong enough that they would rather befriend an angel than lose their hermanita."

"And Lucifer?" Adam asked.

I winced. "His reaction was quite the opposite. We only escaped because Glacien, the Ice Princess, froze the Devil long enough for us to activate the portal out of there."

"Do you know what he will do to her?" Katelyn asked.

I shook my head. "No clue, but with four powerful sisters behind her, she should be okay."

"So what's your plan?" Adam asked. "With Eve, I mean."

I shrugged. "Stay here with her, on Earth. She can't go home and I can't go back with you guys. Here is the only place we can stay together, and I won't leave her alone."

Katelyn sighed. "Well, Angelo, I may not like your decision, but I don't see any other option but to accept it."

"Same here." Adam said with a smile. "So...when do we get to meet her?"

I let out a breath of relief and grinned. "Right after you two tell me what's been happening in Ether."

Adam's face fell. "It's bad, Angelo. Neither side is winning and the tears to Earth are only getting bigger. It's only a matter of time before a daemon slips through and is seen."

"They haven't called back the guardians yet?" I asked.

Katlyn shook her head and took Adam's hand. "They're too concerned with the safety of the mortals to risk leaving one without its guardian."

"And I'm glad they haven't called us back there." Adam played with Katelyn's hair, a worried look on his face. "The idea of you out there..."

Katelyn smirked. "You worry too much."

I chuckled. "It took you two almost three hundred years to get together, talk about bad timing, amigos."

Adam laughed. "I don't care." He put his arm around Katelyn. "We have eachother now, that's all that matters."

I smiled, thinking of Eve sleeping upstairs. "I know the feeling."

* * * *

Katelyn and Adam left a bit later, promising to come back soon to meet Eve. Dawn rose not long after and Eve with it.

"Did you sleep at all?" She asked skeptically.

I shrugged. "Sleep is not entirely necessary for me." I said.

"So what did you do all night?" Eve asked as we sat on the sofa, my arm over her shoulders.

"Well, my friends Adam and Katelyn came over for a bit, wanting the whole story."

She tensed. "Angels? You let Angels in here?" I could here the mixture of fear and outrage in her voice.

I rubbed her shoulder to calm her down. "They are my friends. Like your sisters they accepted my choice. Besides, I'm a better fighter than both of them. Anyone who tries to harm you has to get past me." I lifted her chin up to stare not her Amber eyes. "And that will never happen, Pajarita."

She relaxed and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Are you hungry?" I asked out of habit.

She snorted. "Angelo, I'm immortal. I don't need to eat food."

I blushed. "Right, forgot."

She giggled. "Do you need to eat?"

I shook my head. "No, but it is fun."

Eve laughed, golden bubbles of sound and happiness that eased my worry of how badly the events of last night had damaged her.

"Would you like to see a trick?" I asked standing up.

Eve laughed again. "Sure."

"Alright, tell me of an item of clothing, anything you want."

Eve raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Just try it."

She sighed and smiled. "I don't know...a dress of solid gold?"

I rolled my eyes, "Really? That's the best you could come up with?" I held out my hand and pictured the dress, the shape of the garment formed in with light and with a shimmer it became heavy with the weight of gold. A simple, strapless, cocktail dress made of gold.

Eves eyes bugged. "No way. You know I was joking right?"

I laughed and made the dress vanish. "I know, but I was making a point."

"That's some trick." She said.

I sat down next to her again. "I can manifest almost anything you desire, Eve."

Eve snuggled under my arm, "I only desire you, Angelo. I have been showered with material possessions all my life, I don't need any more."

I smiled and ran my fingers through her soft hair. "But you still need clothes, and shoes...maybe some hats?"

Eve chuckled. "Maybe. But I don't want to take anything from you. I don't need anything from you."

I grinned and turned her face to me. "Oh, really?" I pressed my lips to hers softly and instantly her body reacted by wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling closer to me.

I pulled away from her. "So you won't be needing that, I guess." My grin still there, her face pouting.

"Oh, you're evil." She grumbled and tried to get up but I held her trapped in my arms.

"Said the Devil's Daughter." And I kissed her again.

The heat of her blazed through me filling my mind, but I held control.

When I pulled away she was gasping, her heart fluttering between our connected chests, a lusty look in her amber eyes.

"Fine," she gasped. "I need you." Her hot fingers threaded through my hair. "All of you."

I smiled, "And I need you, Pajarita." I pulled her lips back to mine, letting the fire consume my mind.

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