Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

I stepped through the portal to hell and was instantly surrounded by my brothers.

"Are you alright?"

"Did he hurt you?"

"Why are you wet?"

I waved away their questions. "I'm fine. I told him and all is well."

"Eve, look at me." Erik said grabbing my shoulders and turning me towards him, I obliged, too emotionally exhausted to protest.

"Are you drunk?" Erik demanded, his eyes wide.

"That's impossible!" Errol cried. "Human alchohol doesn't affect us."

Edmund looked long and hard at my face, his mouth flattening into a line of disapproval. "Human alchohol won't, but Lumis will."

"WHAT!?!?" Erik and Errol shouted.

I winced. "Not so loud."

Everyone sighed. "I can't believe this boy allowed you to drink!" Edmund raged.

I shook my head and then regretted it. "He didn't see me drink that much."

"Ed, lighten up." Erik said. "She's over two hundred years old. I think she can drink and not be stupid."

"Can I go to my room now?" I asked miserably.

Edmund sighed and kissed my hair. "I'll talk to Virasa, get you something for your head."

Erik smiled at me. "Can you walk?"

I groaned, "Yeah."

My brother chuckled and scooped me up. "Let's get you to bed little Dragon."

"Errol?" I asked.

"Yes?" He replied.

"Can you find me an outfit for tomorrow? It needs to involve my bathing suit. And get could you get me Isa?"

Errol smiled. "My pleasure." And he ran off to get my sister.

We got to my room and Erik set me gently on the bed, grabbing my pajamas and helping me out of my wet clothes, just like he used to when I stayed up too late as a small child.

When I was dressed and curled under the comforter Errol, Virus and Isa came in smiling.

Virus handed me a cup of tea that smelled like roses and looked like sunshine, I downed it all and it left my throat feeling buttery and warm.

Errol went to my dresser and started looking for something I could wear tomorrow, Isa climbed onto the bed with me and leaned against my mountain of pillows. "So how did it go?"

I smiled, "Terrible. I was a wreck."

"Start form the beginning darling." Isa soothed, petting my hair.

I smiled again. "The day started out wonderful, we walked on the beach, talked for hours, cuddled in this grove he found that was just beautiful in the sunset light."

"Okay..." Isa looked impatient to get to the real story.

I sighed, leaning my head back to look at my canopy. "By that point I knew I had to tell him soon, but I was very nervous. So I took him to a party by a waterfall."

"Oooh!" Errol gushed. "That's so romantic!"

"We danced for hours, but I was constantly sneaking away to drink the flask of Lumis I had. I know he caught me sipping it a couple times but he didn't mention it. Then I slipped away for the final time and I was still nervous and outrageously drunk. He found me and I was smoking."

"What do humans not smoke?" Errol asked.

"No they do," I said. "But apparently it's bad for humans, he wanted to take me home, but I still needed to tell him and..." I grimaced. "I jumped off the waterfall."

"Evelyn Phoenixborn!" Isa scolded. "You could have been seriously hurt! What if you had started to drown?"

"Angelo would have saved me." I said. "He got down to the pool ridiculously fast, and was angry, he wasn't happy that I was drunk but then I started crying and I told him and he was fine with it." I looked at Errol. "He made everything okay just by holding me and reassuring me that meeting you guys would be no problem."

"Aww," Errol gushed. "Come here, baby girl." And Errol scooped me up in a big hug. "I can't wait to meet your Angelo, he sounds wonderful."

"He is," I sighed, curling back into my blankets and yawning. "The most wonderful human on earth."

* * * *

The next morning I dressed in my bathing suit and put on the outfit Errol had specialy picked for me. A loose white blouse and some short Jean shorts, perfect for swimming and just a day in the town with Angelo.

But my brothers would be watching our every move.

I didn't see them that morning, I went out the portal and ran into Angelo's arms.

He chuckled and kissed my head, "Feeling better after last night?"

I smiled shyly. "Sorry about that, I-"

Angelo shushed me with a kiss, "Nothing to worry about, just give me a warning next time you plan to jump off a waterfall."

I giggled kissed him.

Then I remembered what would be happening behind the scenes today and I shivered, pulling away.

"Are you cold?" Angelo asked.

I smirked, "I'm never cold, what should we do today?"

"Hmmm," Angelo smiled, his green eyes sparkling, "I do believe I promised I would take you to the beach today."

I grinned, "Then let's go!"

Angelo laughed and held my face, staring at me with adoration. "So eager, parjarita. Aren't you hungry? It's almost lunchtime."

I smiled. "What do you have in mind?"

He shrugged nonchalantly, "I just thought you would like to get some churros and chocolate."

"Yes!" I squealed and Angelo laughed, pulling along by my hand to get churros.

We bought the churros and as we were walking and eating the delicious doughnut like sugar treat, I felt a presance. Close by.

I looked around and saw no one, but I knew who it was.

My brothers had arrived.

Angelo seemed to notice. "Is everything alright?" He looked down at me and then his eyes widened and he looked away, his fists clenched.

"Yes." I said, "Is something wrong?"

"No!" He said with false cheeriness. "Everything's fine. Come on let's go to the beach."

I narrowed my eyes at his him but I didn't comment. Instead I followed him to the beach.

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