Chapter 22

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Hey guys! I'm so sorry that it took me so long to update. I had such bad writers block but I finally got through it! :) hope you enjoy this chapter!

Chapter 22

I walked in silence back to the graveyard, my brothers beside me.

"Eve you know we can just-" Erik started to say.

"I know." I said without looking at them. "I just...I need to walk."

"Of course bella fiamma." Edmund said, and the silence returned.

You wouldn't have been able to tell the pain I was feeling by looking at me. My composure was too good, my face blank. But inside me a storm raged, waiting, hovering over me like dark clouds, waiting to crash over me without mercy the moment I let it.

And I was not going to let anyone see me when the storm hit.

The pain I could feel was already unbearable, like someone had driven a blade of ice into my heart and was twisting it around mercilessly.

Angelo was my mortal enemy, an angel. The betrayal was ripping my soul to shreds bit by bit as I took one step after another.

I hated his kind. I loved him. The confusion of my heart was going to tear it in two.

Mortain was right. I thought. I should have guarded my heart, and now it has been stolen by a murderer who would have me crucified.

Errol took my hand and squeezed it reassuringly, but I did not feel it's comfort.

We reached the graveyard and I spoke the words. "Diabolum ducere." And my brothers and I stepped through the veil.

I continued to walk through the castle, my brothers in tow, it was a moment before I finally spoke.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, my voice quiet, emotionless, dead.

"Evelyn, we-" Erik started to say.

I whirled on them, eyes blazing. "Why didn't you tell me?!" I screamed, flames bursting around me. "I trusted you with my heart! How dare you not tell me!"

"Eve you made us promise-" Errol said.

"I don't care what I said!" I turned to Edmund. "You of all people, Edmund, I never would have imagined you to keep this from me. Let alone let me spend the day with that monster!"

Edmund looked at me calmly. "If we had told you yesterday that your dear Angelo was an angel, would you have believed us?"

That froze me stiff, my flames flickered out and I stared at him, mouth open.

"Evelyn." He said, holding my eyes. "You made us promise not to interfere yesterday, so we did not. If we had, you would have been heartbroken and on top of that you would never have trusted us again. I'm sorry bella fiamma but you gave us no choice."

I broke eye contact with him and looked at the obsidian floor, seeing my reflection, bare feet, a white wrap-around skirt, black tank top and a white shawl. My straight hair hung around my face, my eyes red.

"You did as I asked, and I thank you for that." I said still staring at the floor. "But now I just ask you for one more thing."

"Anything little dragon." Erik said and the other two nodded.

"Tell no one of what happened tonight or yesterday. I will tell them on my own time."

"What about Papa?" Edmund asked.

I looked up to meet my brother's eyes. "Papa will never know. Is that understood?"

Edmunds mouth flattened to a hard line, but he nodded.

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