Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I was wandering the streets of Rio. Anxiously waiting for morning so that Eve would come sooner.

The night had been amazing, three hours of heaven and I don't mean that figuratively. Dancing with Eve, or even just being with her alone like that, was better than all the pleasures of heaven itself.

I needed to distance myself from this woman, but the thought of not being around her was painful enough.

I can't do anything more than be her friend, it is forbidden. The thought made me grimace, I wanted to be so much more than her friend, but I couldn't.

I will be her friend. And nothing more. I thought determinedly.

Then something grabbed me and pulled me out of earth through the veil and I landed on hard marble floors.

"You need to stop moping!" An upsidown Katelyn yelled at me. She had her hands on her hips and her white wings were shaking with agitation.

"She has a point dude." Adam's long blonde head appeared from above next to Katelyn's short brown bob of hair, their halos almost touching.

"I'm not moping amigos." I said, still on my back.

"You are too!" Katelyn argued like usual, she was very stubborn.

"No seriously guys." I rolled over and stood up, facing my friends. "I'm not moping, I'm not pouting, I'm actually the happiest I have been in a long time."

Katelyn opened her mouth to argue again when Adam stopped her. "Katelyn look at his eyes!"

She did and gasped, then grinned and hugged me while squealing.

"Katelyn calm down!" I pushed her away and smiled at her enthusiasm. "What are you two talking about? What's wrong with my eyes?"

"Nothing's wrong dude." Adam was grinning too. "For years your eyes have been gray dude, the only other time I have seen you with green eyes was when you were born, happy and complete, before you couldn't find..." Adams eyes widened. "You found her didn't you!"

Katelyn squealed again and tackled me in another hug. "You found her? That's sooooo amazing!!!"

I laughed and pushed her back. "Down girl," I used our old joke that Katelyn was an untrained puppy. "Yes I found her."

"Who is she?" Adam asked.

I smiled at the choice of words again. "Not sure yet, she wouldn't tell me, says I don't want to know." I chuckled. "My girl is a firey child with a devilish smile and innocent amber eyes."

"Is she hot?" Adam asked.

I laughed so hard I doubled over. "Hot to the touch hermano, literally. She seems to run at a higher temperature than most humans. Long black hair, large eyes, gorgeous body, warm amber eyes that almost glow. She is short, but long legged, has such small feet that she is off balance and a clumsy little thing."

"What is her name?" Katelyn demanded.

I smiled to myself. "Eve."

Katelyn laughed. "Maybe we should have her and Adam hook up." And that bought a round of laughter from the two of them.

A firey rage welled up inside me at those words. "No." The word slipped out of my mouth as a growl before I could stop it. I covered it up and laughed with them. "The weirdest thing though. Not only is she like, eighteen, but every time she goes home, I can't sense her on earth anymore."

My friends stopped laughing and looked at me again. "That is weird." Adam said, he ran a hand through his hair. "I wonder where she goes."

"Have you tried following her?" Katelyn asked.

I nodded. "Every time she goes home through a patch of trees behind a cemetery, I searched the area but there is no sign of life anywhere."

"Weird." They said together.

I smiled. "So what's new? Any improvements?"

Their faces fell.

Uh-oh. I thought. This can't be good. "What?"

Adam sighed. "Ether is cracking. Small rips in the veil are appearing between Earth and Ether. We need to fix them but we don't have enough angels to repair them. Every angel we can spare is down there fighting, and more and more die every hour."

My heart sank into my stomach. "How many are we?"

Katelyn grimaced. "Forty-thousand to their six-million. Granted they die easier than us, but we are still dying. It also doesn't help much that Lucifer keeps breeding them like rabbits to increase his numbers like crazy."

All three of us crossed ourselves without thought at the mention of his name.

"Angelo, it's gotten so bad that they've started recruiting guardian angels." Adam said quietly.

"No!" Panic swelled in me. "I can't go! I need to protect her!"

"Calm down Angelo!" Katelyn cried, grabbing my arms and restraining me. "They aren't looking your way, we made sure of that so that you could have some time to be alone. But now that you've found her and she actually needs a guardian... You should be fine."

I relaxed, but then another thought dawned on me. "Are you guys....?"

Adam sighed. "It's likely. Amy is thirty years old and has a steady job, doesn't really need me to watch over her."

"And Chris is forty-five." Katelyn sighed. "He's got a wife and kids, he's fine."

"Wait a second." Adam said, looking at me skeptically. "You said that she wouldn't tell you who she was... Does that mean she has seen you?"

"Angelo!" Katelyn scolded. "You know that's against the rules!"

"I know! But not long after you guys left me down there she literally fell into me and she saw me with my glamour down! You both know that it won't work on her any more."

Katelyn huffed. "Does she know what you are?"

I scoffed. "Of course not! You think me tonto? I know full well what I'm doing."

"Can we meet her?" Adam asked.

The idea was equally unapealing and interesting. As much as I would love for Eve to meet my friends, the Adam and Eve comment bothered me and made me want to keep Adam as far away from her as possible. I didn't need two angels to be in love with her.

I shrugged. "I don't know amigo, she gets nervous by just being around me. Has overprotective brothers appearantly, they don't like her to be alone or away from them it seems. It's hard to tell every time she mentions them she runs off because she has to go."

Katelyn laughs. "You would think this little girl was some great treasure or a princess."

That's because she is, I thought. The greatest treasure of all.

I'm starting to loose interest in this story guys. It doesn't feel like its that great. I need motivation, stat. If you guys don't start liking and commenting this story won't continue. :( sorry.

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