"Brantley what is wrong?" Luci asked me. 

"I saw them. They were looking at me. Did you see any of them." I asked her. Luci looked up at me. 

"What are you talking about?" Luci asked me. 

"I saw Indians. They were just looking at me. They were 10 of them. All of them were dog soldiers." I told her. Luci looked scared.  

"Hey, hey, hey, no one is going to hurt you while I'm here." I said to her. I pulled Luci into my arms. 

"I didn't see any one. Minnie and I have been inside the cabin ever since you left." Luci said to me. 

"Okay. Listen I need to get to David and Meadow's cabin. I need you to stay here." I told her. I walked over to my gun cabinet and opened it up. 

"You want your pregnant wife to stay in the cabin while you go outside to fight Indians." Luci asked me. I looked down at her. 

"You are going to hide in the root cellar until I get back." I told her. Luci looked scared to death. 

"How about you ride with me to McRoy's farm." I asked her. Luci looked up at me. 

"I would like that better." Luci said to me. I picked up a few guns that I'll be needing just for the in case. 

"Okay. Stay here until I call for you. Then get on the back front of the horse." I told her. Luci looked up at me. 

"I'm riding up front." Luci asked me. 

"I would rather have my back to the Indians then let your beautiful back get hit by one of them blood killers." I said to Luci. She wrapped her arms around me. 

"I'm scared Brantley." Luci said to me. I gave her a kiss. 

"No reason to be scared. I won't let nothing happen to you. I promise babe. You and our baby is safe." I said to Luci. 

"Our baby. I like that." Luci said to me. She gave me a smile. 

"Your my wife and I know we haven't talk about it, but you was planning on naming the baby Gilbert right." I asked Luci. I know it's her choice and she don't need to make up her mind now, I just wanted to know if she wants too I'm okay with that. Luci looked up at me. 

"Boy or girl." Luci asked me. I smiled down at her. 

"Either way that's my baby. I'll be honor to have that babe call me pa." I told Luci. I was rubbing her belly, smiling at her. Luci looked up at me. 

"Thank you Brantley. You are the best man around here." Luci told me. I smiled at her. 

"Come on we need to get to the McRoy farm." I said to Luci. I was holding her hand. I opened up the door to see Meadow standing there with Running Star in her arms. 

"Meadow what are you doing here?" I asked her. 

"David and the boys went down to the mill to help you. They just drop me off. Is that okay." Meadow said to me. 

"Yo McRoy!" I yelled back at him and his boys. They all looked and was heading back up the driveway. 

"Brantley, Luci please tell me what is going on?" Meadow asked us. 

"What are you doing here Gilbert?" McRoy asked me. 

"I saw them. The Apalachicola Indians." I said to them. Meadow just went white in her face. 

"Come on lets go inside the cabin. Boys, come on in with your ma and I." Luci said to the boys. 

'Wait you saw them here. On our mountain." Meadow asked me. I looked down at her. 

The will of the Gilbert's (An Brantley Gilbert Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now