Chapter 27- Reassurance

Start from the beginning

"You idiot. I'll fucking tutor. You and my Extra. I know she's going to need fucking help too." Your eyebrows furrowed as your lips pouted at the biting comment.

"Hey! Are you calling me dumb?" You pouted to your angry hedgehog boyfriend. Kaminari came from behind you and placed an arm around your shoulder with a teasing smile towards you and Katsuki.

"Hey if he is, just know that I love dumb girls. Totally my type. So if Katsuki's annoying you then ya know who to go to." You knew Kaminari didn't think you were dumb but was trying to get Katsuki to admit he just wanted to spend time with you and Kirishima. A giggle slipped your lips as a growl left Katsuki's. Katsuki threw Kaminari's arm off of you and wrapped his own around your waist. He pulled you with him towards the lunch tables in annoyance.

"She's not fucking dumb you idiot. Like hell I'm gonna let some other fuckface have her but me." Kaminari and Kirishima followed close behind Katsuki and you, looking at each other with knowing smirks. 

"Oh don't be so jealous Bakugo. Treat her right and I won't swoop in for the kill hm?" Kaminari teased.

"Yeah bud, treating your girl right is the manliest thing you could do." Kirishima added. Katsuki's face was turning bright red, starting to get annoyed as he sat with you at a table with only Todoroki occupying it. You took your seat next to the half and half, him looking at you with a gentle smile.

"SHUT UP YOU'RE BOTH ANNOYING!" You ignored your boyfriend and his two friends as the three of them sat down teasing each other. You turned your attention to Todoroki instead.

"I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever Shoto. How are you?" The icyhot boy was thrown off by this question, ready to dig into his soba. You began to happily munch on your lunch, your eyes piercing into his heterochromatic ones. 

"I'm fine I guess. Busy with preparing for finals...I...have been thinking about visiting my mother this weekend. It's been a while and perhaps she can offer some encouragement." You were taken aback by this...not really aware of Todoroki's familiar relationships aside from a strained one with his father. Suddenly, you felt a heavyweight in your chest as you remembered you last few encounters with Endeavor.

How much do you know about quirk marriages? 

"Shoto...about your don't talk about her much-" Todoroki stopped you, holding a finger up as if to be quiet. Suddenly, a rough voice grasped your attention.

"Hey Icyhot. You better not be getting any ideas over there." Katsuki commented while narrowing his scarlet eyes. Katsuki was a wild child that was filled with raw and boisterous emotion at all times...but he was also more than that. He had a soft interior filled with tenacity, envy, and even insecurity.

You wondered what the stone exterior around Todoroki's heart was sheltering.

"I'm having a private conversation if you don't mind." Todoroki responded to Katsuki with disinterest. Katsuki was going to be riled up by the comment, but was calmed by a hand you placed on his knee. 

"Relax Kacchan. I'm allowed to have friends you know, and Todoroki is a great one to have. If you're going to try to control who I'm friends with, that's going to be a problem." You rubbed your thumb against his smooth school uniform slacks as you spoke calmly yet firmly to him. His friends and Todoroki were dumbfounded by how direct and at ease you were when speaking to him with a sense of power. Katsuki himself wasn't ready for that response either, but he remembered you were the same girl that punched him in the arm when he gripped yours too tightly. It wasn't his desire to make it seem like he was controlling you or to act that way, but he knew you had a track record of hating people telling you what to do.

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