Chapter 31

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In the end we bought Izuku a Eraser head figure and a limited addition All Might fanart poster. He probably owned both to be honest, but we just wanted to go home at this point. Well, the others wanted to go home, I wanted to go back to the hospital. 

I also had two coffee's to pick up. Three if I was feeling to tired by the time I got to one cup coffee.

I picked up coffee, already feeling way to tired to be healthy. I was also starting feel sad.

How did it take me this long to actually figure out why Izuku was in the hospital? I had known, on the surface, but it just never registered.

He had tried to kill himself.

Kill himself.

What had happened? He was so happy at the slumber party. He had seemed happier and happier up to this point.

In fact, if Ochako hadn't talked to him first, I probably wouldn't have noticed him wanting to off himself.

I couldn't bare to think of what would happen if she hadn't stopped him last night. He probably would've written notes instead of texting them.

That would mean he would probably be dead right now. Although, if his luck turns for the worse, he could be dead any second now.

I groaned, slamming my head against the wheel. Maybe if I hit my head enough times I could fall into a coma to.

It was a long drive back to the hospital. Well, it was only five minutes, but it felt like several hours.

I almost felt myself dreading heading back. I wanted to see Izuku, but... I wanted to see him awake. I wanted to see his green eyes shining, his smile, his warm cheeks, and his beautiful laugh. I didn't want to see him like this.

But I can't let him wake up on his own. Even if he is with his mom. Inko's probably better company considering what he just went through to. But I still wanted to be there for him.

So I parked the car. I walked slowly all the way to his room. My hands felt shaky.

After spending so much time with people who were alive and well, it kind of felt heavy to go back.

Great, I'm feeling negative about the wrong thing while my boyfriend's in a coma. Fantastic.

The hospital room was almost exactly as I left it. The only difference was an empty yogurt container in the corner.

At least Inko had enough brain power to eat.

I raised the coffees in the air, having gotten a total of five.

"Coffee," I called, sitting next to her.

She seemed to snap out of a weird daze, turning to me with a smile.

"Thank you Shoto dear," she responded, taking two of the cups.

I nodded slightly.

In for another ride I suppose.

Ochako's POV--

After buying a present for Izuku, I trudged home. I managed to have a smile on the whole time with my friends.

Why did Iida invite me? He knew how hard I was taking this. I of course had to pull the short stick and call Shoto to of course.

I groaned, leaning back against my couch.

"You okay kero?" Tsuyu asked, sitting down next to me.

"Dandy," I muttered.

"I'll get the cheese then Kero," she said softly. I watched her get up from the couch and go to the fridge. Tsuyu always knew what I needed. I truly do love her.

Iida's POV--

After shopping for presents for Izuku, I barely managed to make it home.

Why had Izuku done this? He had so much to live for. We're Ochako and I not enough? Did he wish for better friends? I knew he had slight depression, but I never knew it was this bad.

Why didn't he talk to someone? Why couldn't he reach out? Why?

Bakugo's POV--

Of course that damn nerd had to try and kill himself. I'm still counting myself lucky that that half'n'half bastard managed to find him before the damage was to severe.

I gritted my teeth, tightening my arms around Eijiro. He had agreed to sleep next to me for the time being, considering I kept having nightmares after Izuku jumped.

Damn, why didn't he just not? Ochako and I spoke to him, I figured she would do something or another.

"Katsuki?" Eijiro mumbled, turning over to face me.

"Yeah?" I grunted. If my eyes were open I swear I would see a soft grin on his face.

"Nothin'," he murmured, snuggling up against me.

Inko's POV--

If Shoto wasn't here I probably would cry at least ten times more. I didn't want to break down in front of him though, for fear he would to.

When he left, I was given the perfect opportunity to let it all out.

I had cried, talked to him, and hugged him.

Why did he try to do this? I thought he was finally happy. Shoto seemed to make him happy. I thought he was doing better. Why had it changed so fast?

Izuku's POV--

I felt nothing. I saw nothing. Only black was, loneliness, and coldness. No scents, no light, nothing even under my feet.

I felt so scared. What had happened? Why was I alone?

I suddenly felt a light fragrance enter my nose. I breathed deeply, savoring the scent.


Warmth filled me. I loved Rose's. Especially red and white ones. They reminded me so much of Shoto.

My mind drifted to him. If I'm here forever, at least I have him, right?

I smiled softly, tears brimming my eyes.

I miss him




Now that I finished that, I'm sorry for this chapter. It probably sucks considering it's written on my phone (first time EVER) and I'm on a solid one hour of sleep. Not to mention I'm literally on a plane writing this, facing a ten hour flight.

Don't feel bad for me though. I subjected myself to this because I was bored.

Anyways.... Juicy stuff??

I don't know anymore.

Have a fun rest of the night!

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