Bloody Hell

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I stood in my room emotionless. I stood still.

I didn't know what to do, what to say, when to say it. My brain had gone on holiday and I knew I was wasting time. I knew each second doing nothing meant one second away from my dying brother.

Suddenly I tucked at my tummy coughing. It felt like someone had just kicked me in the gut. It knocked my air out.

”Uhh... Allie?”

Marshall sounded like he was far. My brain was still out of it.

”Allie, are you OK? ”, he pinched my arm. Hard.

"Ow!", that brought me back.

Then it hit me.

My brother was shot.

" Luke was shot", I said out loud. I wasn't sure who I was talking to; Marshall or I?

"You said what now?!", I could see the red creeping in on his face.

"My brother has been shot", I said once again.

"What the actual..! What do you mean he was shot and by who? When? When Allie? Why are we still here?"

I didn't know what to answer first not that I knew who shot him and when and most certainly, I didn't know why we were standing here still.

"I don't know Marshall, I don't know anything", I replied, tears on the brim.

"Then call whoever told you this and ask!", he yelled back.

I fumbled with my phone trying to call Lisa back. Her phone rang a few times before she answered, "What?"

I ignored her hostile greeting and went straight to the point, "Where is Luke?"

"Who?", surrounded confused.

"My brother, Lisa"

"Oh, the hospital I suppose. Or maybe the mortuary, he looked dead to me. I don't know. I'd check the hospital first if I were you just in case he's still alive". I didn't know what to even say back. Instead I ended the call.

"Hospital", I announced and not even a second later Marshall darted out of the room while I grabbed something to cover my nightwear.

I didn't even get the chance to put on my safety belt before Marshall flew out of the driveway.


We found a spot to park close to the entrance. I ran out just as the engine was cut off.

The reception desk was easy to find. A lady was sitting behind the desk when I approached, Marshall not far behind.

"Hi, I'm looking for my brother. He was dropped off not long ago. He was shot".

The lady looked at me then Marshall then back at me.

"He's in the operating room. You can wait here but it's family only"

Marshall pulled me to the side to hug me.

"Family only, young man", the lady said to us.

"I am family", the lady gave him a skeptic look. "What? You want a DNA test too?"

"Marshall, I know you are not family but I'll let it slide this one time", the lady said one last time before going back to her work.

I looked at him slightly amused by the interaction.

"What? Small town, people know each other", he shrugged. "I don't think I know her though".

I almost laughed before he said, "Call your parents"

The Curious Case Of Allison GreeneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon