Day 01

12 1 3

The moment we all stepped inside the school it was clearly visible why the Morrison's were the popular group.  They got a lot of head nods from the guys and weird smiles from the girls,  and where were Luke and I? Looking like walking potatoes behind the most loved group in the whole school - well at least we tried to look one bit confident and obviously failing dismally.

This lasted for what felt like eternity but it was just under a mere two minutes before we all found our lockers in the senior corridor just before the warning bell went. I had tried to regain my confidence while looking at my schedule and at the same time thinking about how I've never used a locker at school before.

In my old school we all had to carry our books with us because we didn't have lockers and also because we didn't own such thick books either.  Isn't this torture?  And I haven't been to my first lecture yet -which is Maths by the way.

"Hey,  what class do you have? ",  I heard Jess say behind me. We had promised to exchange schedules.

" Maths and you? ",  I replied.

" Me too.",  she smiled. When I turned around I saw a dark haired guy standing behind Jess.

"Uhhh,  hi? ",  I said to the guy as I stared at him. Jess immediately turned around and grinned.

" Oh hey Hunter! ",  she said excitedly. The guy ignored her greetings and went on with his life - packing his one book inside the locker.

Jess grabbed my arm and walked on like nothing just happened.

" Are you just going to ignore the fact that that guy ignored you? ",  I asked.

" Oh,  nah that's just protocol ",  she shrugged.
As confused as I was,  I let that slide.


The day drew closer to lunch and according to the movies I've watched, lunch hour is the most important hour of the day.

When the bell went after fourth hour I texted Jess to ask her to meet me by my locker.
In less that five minutes her bubbly self emerged from the masses of students hurrying to get their tummies filled or was it rather to spill all the juicy gossip of the summer break.

We walked in to the lunch hall that was in dire need of air conditioning. Only now I noticed the clichéd cliques that were overly mentioned in movies.
There were the obvious jocks in the schools blue and grey football jackets, the nerds who for some reason sat at a table a table to close to that of the jocks, the cheerleaders, and.... I really couldn't classify all the others, I like to call us level 3s.  The inbetweens - no one really pays attention to us. But I couldn't classify my friends either, they were the most popular (apparently),  the brightest academically they were in none of the above mentioned groups but also fall in each category.  This whole niche system just crumbled. 

Oh no.

Lunch went on fairly normally but there was one abnormal thing - my brother was MIA. I'd seen him in class and in the hallways but not at lunch. My eyes wondered around one more time looking for him. And again, I couldn't spot him or Marshall for that matter.

I returned my focus back to my friends and caught the conversation mid sentence.

"..... When I hacked into their system",  Lisa finished. I wasn't really interested in gang talk as I didn't even want to be part of a gang. So I pretended to listen just so that I don't appear weird as I ate my fries.

My train of thought was interrupted by Jess.

" Ally, are you coming over tonight? We are just chilling",  like she had heard my thoughts.  For as long it is chilling, I'm game.

The Curious Case Of Allison GreeneWhere stories live. Discover now