A little too late

15 2 1

Sometimes we do things against our morals and ethics and we hurt ourselves. Sometimes we hurt others but sometimes we just don't care.

Right now, I'm between hurting others and not caring.

Physically, I'm basically dead so part one of the above theory doesn't work.

Part two of the theory though was right in front of my face.

Both Luke and Marshall were staring at me with their mouth's literally hanging open.

Part three is different. I don't care because I know I'm not dying anytime soon.

Or am I?

However, I don't know Jay. Personally, I mean. This could be a meaningless threat but it could also be a warning. My decision to join the gang has however hurt my brother and I'm not going to the parents issue. I hope they never find out. But you know what, eff this and eff the gang.

Although, when my brother hurts, I hurt and I just cannot explain this ignorance or selfishness I am exerting right now.

"You chose?!" The duo sang again like it was rehearsed.

"I-", I started.

"Dude get out!", Luke practically yelled at Jay.

"Uh- ", Jay was starting to say.

"Leave", my brother barked at the blonde.

Jay left, hesitantly. He kept looking back.

I walked to the kitchen in hopes of finding something to do.

"You are aware that you are in a gang right", I heard Luke st as he stalked towards me.

"Was", I replied.

"Why'd you join in the first place?"

"Some guy called Finn assumed I joined and was after me. He threw the stone through the window", I explain.

That took him back a little. His face displayed a look of shock.

" Finn threw that rock?!", he yelled. "And you told no one?!"

"Good, you know Finn", I said. Which was true.

If he knew about Finn he surely knew more.

"Don't deviate. How'd you know he threw the rock?", he pestered.

I looked down knowing I might have revealed more than I had anticipated

"There was a note", I mumbled.

He looked taken back a bit before telling, "A note? A note?!".

He walked closer to me before lowering his voice, "He left a note and you didn't tell me? Why?"

I stared at him hoping I just disappear.

"Answer me, damn it!", he yelled.

"Probably because you are not my father?" I answered in a questioning manner.

Luke stared at me for  a few moments then he closed his eyes. His chest raising and falling aggressively.

He moved backwards and covered his eyes but I knew he was crying. Almost instantly he turned around and left the house banging the door on his way out.

I stood there lost for words. My brother had been scared for me and I played with him. I knew Luke was genuinely scared for me. He never reacted like this to anything and here I was; playing him.

I had absent mindedly joined a gang in my first week in town without any questions and this is what it got me. A no way out and an argument with my brother.

I moved from where I was standing with the hopes of going to my room but I was startled with the presence of Marshall by the door.

He stood there watching me and not saying a thing. I guess that was another thing he shared with Luke, they stared a lot.

I wasn't in a mood to socialize with anyone so I trudged upstairs to the comfort of my bedroom. The moment my head hit the pillow, my tears fell uncontrollably. I let out a lot of feelings, some of which I wasn't even aware I had.

I laid in bed half asleep because I was thinking about what had happened in the past few weeks when a soft knock sounded from outside my door.

"Come in", I answered. I knew it was Marshall. He had no other place to go and I knew he wouldn't leave without knowing Luke was okay, either.

"Hey", he started. I stared at him. I didn't mean to but I didn't want to talk.

"I didn't choose, you know?", he continued. I didn't know that but it was understandable. He, like Hunter, wasn't friends with many people.

"Hunter and I never believed in the gangs. Everyone else did though. When the time came to choose, we didn't and we knew the consequences. My dad hated me for it, so did my mom - she still does. I lost my friend group and for a while I was targeted by bullies. It became worse when my father was accused of killing a teacher he was dating and my mother was hopping from one man to another"

"Most people said I needed to join, I refused. Choosing to endure the torture until I had to move out of the town"

He stopped talking and I said nothing but before it got anymore awkward, my phone rang.

The caller ID said Lisa.

She never called me. She hardly ever even spoke to me. But now she was calling.

"Hello", I picked up.

"The paramedics just got here so you have to hurry", she said in a monotone.

"What?" I was confused.

"I tried helping him but he kept coughing up blood", she continued.

I was starting to worry and Lisa want helping at all.

"Lisa, tell me what happened to who. You are confusing me".

"It's your brother. He was shot"


A little update with a little cliffhanger!

Not much happened in this chapter seeing as the previous one did all that. We did learn a bit about Marshall though and I want all my characters to develop by talking about themselves.

If you have any questions for me, comment on this line and I will do my best to answer them.

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The Curious Case Of Allison GreeneWhere stories live. Discover now