Its flight time

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"Allison! You know this is not the day to sleep till noon! "

Queue eye roll.

"Allison! "

Yup, you guessed it, that's my mother. My every day alarm.

"I'm up! ", I lie.

I don't blame her because it's either I'm eating or sleeping and yes again I'm a hard sleeper. So many have tried and so many have failed to wake me up. My brother even threw water on me. And guess what? ! It never worked! Ha ha. I shouldn't be laughing though because I was late for class that day.

" Allison! "
I jump out of bed knowing I slept through my 'alarm'.

"I'm up! ", I lie again.
I grab my phone from the floor where i left it to charge last night. I'd say bedside table but it was shipped off yesterday.
The time reflected was 9:26.

" shit! ", i mutter.

I need to pack.

Like 3 days ago already.

Back to why I had to wake up and pack. It's simple, WE ARE MOVING! To a country 18 hours away. Where? The USA. Queue fake gasp.

Because I lied last night and told my mom that I was packing whereas I was watching The Hunger Games for the trillionth time (not literally, i hope) then went to bed early (because you know beauty sleep and all) and that's if we call 2am early, today I have a lot. No scratch that. Truck loads of packing to do. I don't even want to mention the fact that I have to be out of this country in about 6 hours.

If I'm moving to the USA, then where am I now you might be asking yourself.

Well, I live (almost livED) in South Africa. We moved here when Luke and I started High School say about 4 years ago. So yes, I have built a life for myself here and gotten comfortable. But I guess good things don't last. Or maybe it's an opportunity for better things.

My dad got a very good job offer that not even I could say he should deny it. I'm more excited than I should be I think. Part of me wants to stay here. A bigger part of me wants to leave. Don't get me wrong, I have friends here. I love them and all but I feel like I can survive without them I hope you get me. I mean I will leave 5 minutes away from the beach. I cant say no to that. Where we live now we have to travel for hours to go to the beach. Aaah, how i wished i lived in Cape Town beaches everywhere i looked. Lies. But there's a lot of sea around that place.

Let's get down to business and get to know each other first.
I'll go first.

My name is Allison (most preferably Ally). I'm a 17 year old mixed raced (according to America) girl.

"You know Katniss never packed anything right? ", says a voice behind me. I dropped the stolen half filled sport bag on the floor.

Well, that's my twin Luke. He's obviously also 17 and mixed raced.
That about sums up everything we have in common but we are still close. Luke is amazingly the most loved person at school. He's good at sports, art, academics and of course courting the opposite gender.

And me? You can most definitely call me a potato, i won't mind.
I'm also good academically not as good as Luke though. I am good at.......... Wait I don't know what else. But I'm top of the school food chain because I'm second academically and the fact that my brother is Luke weighs too.

"Shut up", i sneer at him. " how did you know what i was watching last night "

"1. that's my sport bag and 2. Why do you think i beg Dad to buy me the computer stuff? ", he says.

The Curious Case Of Allison GreeneWhere stories live. Discover now