Family Matters

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Dinner with Marshall went considerably well. He didn't say much and Luke answered for him most of the time.

He then volunteered to do the dishes. Which surprised me. I wasn't complaining because it was my turn to do them.

Obviously, Luke said he'd help.

As they were busy on the sink, and I, busy scratching through the freezer to see if we have enough ice cream for me and my parents when Mom burst in to ask Marshall if he'll stay the night.

"No, I've got to get going", he politely replied.

" Okay, tell me when you leave!"

"I will do so", he said.

He went back to dishes and I on the freezer and after a while I think they forgot my presence and my scratching became background noise for them.

" Where are you going to go?", Luke asked him.

"I'm going to get my phone first and some of my stuff. Then I'll see if Hunter is around. I usually sleep there when she comes back."

When who comes back? I want to ask.

"Just use my phone to call H", my brother says.

So far I have four tubs and two more to go.

When I find my fifth one I hear Marshall speak in the phone.

"Hey, are you in town?", he asks.

A short moment of silence.

" yeah, she's back"

Long silence.

"I'm fine"

Long silence.

"No, its okay then. I'll just stay with Luke for the weekend and see if she's still around next week"


"No, stay. I'll be fine here. See you at school"

He drops the phone and turns to look at Luke.

"Kinda need to ask your parents to sleep over for the weekend, Hunter is in Hemings", he says.

" You might need to tell them why if you stay two nights in a row but I don't think they'll mind", Luke replies.

I collect all six of my ice cream tubs and leave. Obviously this conversation wasn't going to feed my curious nature.


Your writing is going
to give me cancer

                                    Cancer is no joke

Shit. Soz.

But honestly, your
spelling is horrible.
Sentence structure
is shitty. How am I
supposed to learn
about you if I can't
read it.

                                Lies I write properly.
                       English is one of my home

One of?

                            I'm multilingual bish!
                            Three home languages!

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