Chapter 21: Distortion of Feelings

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Heliux opens the door, looking tired.  I'm surprised to see him at first; sure I've seen him tired, but I've never seen him... tired.  Not the sleepy-kind, despite the fact that he is in his pajamas, which I never see him in, ever.  I almost want to leave, but remember I has a mission to solve.  "Yes, Serena?" he asked, sounding slightly annoyed.

"I need to come in," I order.

He looks surprised at my tone, then steels himself again.  "Your Lightness, I do not-"

I hold up my hand, stopping him.  "In. Now."

What?  I can be pushy if I want to.  Even if I feel bad for acting that way.

He fully opens the door and I stepped inside.  His quarters are as fancy as him, decorated in blue and golden accents.  There is a large desk on one side, which has a small slanted side table for drawing.  I notice a sketch on there now, an unfinished one.  It's of a black-haired fairy, one with purple eyes and ribbons flowing from her dress.  There is a small stack of papers on the desk, and when I look closer, it's a whole stack of sketches.  All of them are of that same fairy from before.  I feel like I know her from somewhere, but where...?

"Please do not waste time staring at my furniture," Heliux snaps.  "What is it?"

"Have you been... doing something to block Brock's powers as Advisor?" I demand.  Better to come out clean.

He calmly shakes is head.  "No, I have not.  Why, what is the matter?"

"Brock noticed a new Elemental today, which is fine, except for the fact they're about to come of age very soon.  Brock should've noticed them years ago, but he only found them tonight.  The only way that can happen is that if someone is blocking his powers.  There's only a couple fairies stronger than him..." I look him dead in the eyes.  "And it wasn't me."

Heliux sighs.  "Well then... I guess the spell is finally wearing off."

I feel enraged.  "Why would you do that!?  Stopping someone from living their destiny... that's... that's absolutely evil!  HOW COULD YOU!?" I scream, unable to stop myself.  He's my friend, how dare he cause him more pain?

"You want to know?" Heliux asks with a quietness I don't quite like.  "You want to know why I wanted to stop a fairy from entering our world?  It's because living a human life would be much better than being stuck here forever.  There is so much more out there, so much more to experience than what is here.  I used that spell because I know he is your friend, I thought it would be best."

"You were wrong," I tell him, though my toughness is fading into concern.  "And I know there's something else you're trying not to say.  You're a terrible liar, you know?"

He sighs.  "You want to know the other reason?  It's because... there's too much death here.  I see death everyday.  Old fairies willingly give up their souls for new fairies, just let themselves die without hesitation.  I have memories from the war, watching fairies get turned into ashes by magic.  I have memories of when the sky howled and the end was near, so everyone died except me and..." he pauses.  "And even now, new fairies are coming in all the time, some before their needed.  Fairies don't need to perish, yet... they do.  I am cursed here, eternally, to suffer through it.  Ironic, isn't it?" he bites back a smile.  "The fairy meant to keep peace can never find it for himself, and never will."

I'm frozen in shock; I had no idea he feels this way.  Cautiously, I approach him and give him a small hug.  I don't know what to do, I'd never seen him act this vulnerable before.  "With death comes life," I whisper.  "I know there's an imbalance, but that doesn't mean the scales have completely toppled over."

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