Chapter Thirty Five - Tyler's P.O.V

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Chapter Thirty Five - Tyler's P.O.V

"Sounds great guys, go take five," the sound engineer's voice sounded through the speakers. Tour was over, and now it was back to recording and trying to make another album out of all oJosh stood from his drum set and went to leave the booth, and I was about to follow him. Until my phone started vibrating.

I stopped dead in my tracks as soon as I had read the name on my screen. Though I hesitated, I swiped to answer before it was too late.

"Hi, Tyler," Alena's voice sounded on the other end of the line. Her sweet voice was a more beautiful music than anything Josh and I had just spent hours orchestrating. "Hello? Tyler? I'm sorry I shouldn't have-"

"No, sorry, it's me. Hi Alena." Wow, I sound like such a loser. "How are you?"

"I'm okay," when I used to respond that way to her, she used to ask me, "why just okay?" I was tempted to ask her the same, but I instead waited for her to continue. "How are you doing?"

"I'm okay, tour is over. Back in the studio again."

"That's exciting, how was the rest of tour?" This was the most normal conversation we had had since, I don't know, I guess high school. I tried not to ruin it for myself.

"It was amazing. The last several shows were international, and the traveling is always really cool. Now it's same old, I guess." I looked over to see Josh behind the sound board, watching me through the glass. He shrugged his shoulders and brought his arms up, shaking his head and shouting "What are you doing?"... not that I could hear him, anyway. I just shook my head back at him and lifted my finger, telling him to give me a minute. "So, what have you been up to?"

"Well, since I last saw you, I guess quite a bit. I quit my job, then came Thanksgiving I think. After that we went to LA for a bit: Derrick, Jess, Liz and I. Visited Shayna there, and guess who she's dating now?"

"Who?" As if I would have any clue. I had barely spoken to Alena's friends since we broke up, and didn't make much of an effort to stay posted on everyone's lives.

"Blake, crazy right? Met at UCLA." I could hear her quietly laughing to herself about it, but his name still just made my blood boil.

"Wow, I hate that guy."

"Tell me about it, and I had to sit through a whole lunch with them."

"If it makes you feel any better, I had a run-in with Chris on tour. Him and his girlfriend came in for a meet and greet, I don't remember what show it was." I wasn't expecting her to remember who Chris was, for her to know what I was talking about, but almost immediately I had heard her gasp on the other end of the line.

"Oh my god, no way! What did he have to say to you? An apology I hope."

"Nope, nothing. I don't even know if he realized that we were the same people he went to high school with, that I was the same kid he used to beat on in the halls and torment. If he did, he did his best to pretend that he didn't. I knew it was him as soon as he had said his name and I heard his voice."

"Wow, that's so crazy. Well, doesn't that make you feel so good? You've come so far and now he is out here buying tickets to your show and meet and greet! Looks like you won that war." I could just imagine her smugly grinning to herself over it, satisfied with the way that fate had unfolded.

"Yeah, I never could've imagined it."

"Um, so yeah LA was as good as it could've been" she turned the conversation back, apparently not finished with her previous answer. "Then came back and a lot of stuff happened I guess... and now I'm back at my parents', spent Christmas here and trying to get back on my feet."

"Like, staying there? What ha-"

"I left Derrick, a little over a month ago. There's a lot that happened, Ty, I don't know if this is the best way to get into it. But, I just wanted to call you and tell you because I... I really miss you."

"I'll be done in the studio around eight tonight, can I see you?" I couldn't believe it. She must have meant it that a lot had happened, cause I couldn't imagine what would've pushed her to leave him. Maybe, if I could just see her, I would get more answers.

"I would like that. Where can I meet you?"

"How about I pick you up, I'll text you when I'm on my way. Be hungry."

"Sounds great, see you then." I was going to say the same, but she hung up almost immediately after the words left her lips. Just as I brought my phone down from my ear, Josh came running back into the booth.

"Dude, who was that! What was that about!"

"Josh, really?" I laughed as he jumped on my back, "Have you ever gotten this excited over my phone calls?"

"Okay, that was no ordinary phone call. I haven't seen you smile like that in a while dude. Who was it!"

"Alena," I looked down at the floor instead of in his eyes, like I should have. "She left him, Josh. I'm going to see her tonight."

"Oh, wow, are you sure that's okay for her? She was supposed to marry the guy, does she need some time?" He was in total shock, not that I could blame him. While I had certainly hoped and prayed for this opportunity, I never thought much about what would happen if it actually came.

"She said that it's been a little over a month since she left... and besides, who's to say that anything will happen? I'm just going to see her." I was unsure of whether I was convincing him or myself of this.

"Yeah okay Ty. Cause you two are going to see each other again, finally both single, and NOTHING is going to happen. Whatever you say."

"Alright guys, let's give that track another go, shall we?" We were interrupted by the loud voice that sounded through the booth's speakers. I took this opportunity to laugh off what Josh said, trying not to let it get to my head and create any sort of expectations. Both of us slid our headphones back on, and Josh started twirling his drum sticks as we waited for our cue. Momentarily came a thumbs up from behind the glass, and the track of what we had already done playing to ourselves.

Even as the beat washed over me, my mind was still consumed by the thought of her. This was it, this was my chance. Despite all of this time that she was telling me not to call, text, or think about her, she hadn't forgotten about me... about us. Maybe, just maybe, she wanted us just as much as I did, and that night I was going to see to it that she did. 

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