Chapter Seventeen - Alena's P.O.V

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It was as I began to close my journal that Tyler walked onto the bus alone. He was silent as he sat next to me on the couch. Now, he sat about the same distance from me as he had when we were together on stage at the piano back in New York. And once again, as strange as the closeness was, it was certainly comforting.

    "I'm sorry for panicking and running off earlier." I am the first to speak, hoping to apologize without having to explain myself.

    "You don't have to apologize Alena. I'm sorry, I should've just let you be." Neither of us looked at one another. Our eyes kept within the boundaries of our laps and the floor, nothing more. "I don't know about you, but my mind has just been all over the place this past week."

    "Believe me, mine has too."

    "We go all these years just living our lives, pushing down any feelings and continuing on with what is ahead of us rather than turning back to the past, and then suddenly, what was once long gone is staring you right in the face. What are we to make of that? What would anyone?"

    "Maybe we're just thinking too much... and yelling too much. Maybe it's time we just start talking." Slowly, I felt a hand, his hand, touching my cheek, turning my head so I was now facing him. But before I could look at him, I felt a new sensation. For the first time in years, his lips were once again pressed to mine. It had been so long, yet so sudden, and before I could even pull away or try to be logical about it, he had already crawled back under my skin.

"Maybe it's time we just start kissing."

Okay super short but I thought it would be best to just leave this one here soooo hope you enjoyed :)

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