Chapter Fourteen - Alena's P.O.V

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Another morning waking up in this damn bunk. Another morning sitting up and smacking my forehead into the bunk above me. What a beautiful way to start my day after the night I had.

    My phone rang - a text from Derrick. I reached towards the end of my bed where my phone was plugged in and unlocked it. "3 more days until you come home to this!" And attached, a photo of him and our new puppy.

    With everything that's been going on in my head and being on this tour the past few days, I totally forgot that Derrick was going to pick up our puppy this week. We hadn't even talked about names for our new baby boy. "Aw! I miss my boy, and can't wait to come home and meet our new boy What are we going to name him?"

    "I was thinking Bentley? It completely fits him, but whatever you want babe."

    "That's adorable! I love it. Bentley it is." And now, I really couldn't wait to go home.

    After finally motivating myself to get out of bed and be productive, I got ready for the day and joined Tyler and Josh for breakfast. "Good morning guys!" I still wasn't very pleased with Tyler, and I wasn't all too sure where to stand with Josh after our conversation last night, but I was in too good of a mood to let either of them rain on my parade.

    "Good morning to you too," Josh hesitantly responded, looking at me like I was something totally foreign, as though he had never seen me happy.

    "Where are we headed to today?" I asked, reaching for a tiny box of Lucky Charms amongst the other mini cereal boxes that the two had arranged on the table. I had no intention of pouring it into a bowl with milk, but instead, I intended to pick the marshmallows from the bag. That should be a good enough breakfast.

    "Boston, Massachusetts." Left Tyler's mouth. Goodness, I believe the last time I was in Boston was when I went to visit Jessica and Liz in college. Maybe not actually an eternity ago, but it sure felt like it.

    "How long until we're there?" The bus had been moving all morning, it shouldn't be too much longer.

    "I think another half hour, we left long before you woke up." Josh laughed, "Think you could've slept in a little longer?"

    "Cool it Josh, it's only 10:30. We still have plenty of day ahead of us."


    In no time, we were in Boston and finally stepping off the bus. Nothing has made me appreciate fresh air and being able to wander freely the way being cramped on this bus has. Of course, we were only at the venue, but it was still solid ground and not rolling wheels; that's all I needed.

    I immediately noticed the venue was right on the harbor, the salty smell of the water mixing into the air and coming through my nose. Rather than following everyone else into the pavilion to get things set up and situated for the show, I decided to take a little walk from where we were at the buses over to the water.

    The morning sun was no match for the wind on the water and the crisp autumn air. I pulled my sweater sleeves over my hands and crossed my arms into my chest, trying to keep myself warm, but my shivers wouldn't stop.

    That was, until I felt something being draped over my shoulders. It was a jacket, Tyler's jacket, and Tyler's hands placing it over me.

    "Aren't you supposed to be helping or rehearsing or something?"

    "I'm not needed for a little while. Besides, I could see you shivering from the bus."

    "I'll be fine. I don't want your jacket." I took it off my shoulders and reached out for him to take it, but he wouldn't.

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