Chapter Six - Tyler's P.O.V

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I felt like such an idiot. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't make things not awkward between us. But it wasn't easy for things to not be weird now. It's been a long time, and a lot has happened. I honestly never thought that I would see her again and that I would have to deal with this. And now that she's here, I don't really know how to feel about it.

Josh had just closed the door to the bunk area, or what was bedrooms for us on tour, and sat back into his spot on the bench.

"Ty, you have to talk to her." He said immediately, his eyes wide with intention.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about that this is your chance to fix things with her. You need to talk to her. Tomorrow I'm going to be running off and giving you ample time to talk to her. So take the opportunity. Understood?"

"I still can't believe that you didn't even tell me you were inviting her here." Actually, I really could believe it. That was a very Josh thing to do.

"Because if I told you, then you would've said no, and you never would've had this chance to make things right."

"We're meeting Jenna in two days Josh. The last thing that I need is to have to explain to her that my first everything is tagging along the tour for a week. And I especially don't know how I feel about them meeting."

"Are you kidding me Tyler? Jenna and Alena are going to love each other, you have nothing to worry about."

"That's exactly what I'm worried about Josh." I couldn't even explain it. The whole thing barely even made sense in my head. I just knew that I didn't want these two worlds to collide.

"Tyler, don't panic. Let's just go get some rest, and you start thinking about what the hell you're going to say to her tomorrow that is going to mend everything again."

AUTHOR'S NOTE; very short filler chapter but I hope you enjoyed! I am soooo sorry that I haven't updated but I have been extremely busy. I promise I will have the next chapter to you much sooner than it took for this little one. In the meantime, lots of love, stay alive |-/

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