Chapter Fifteen - Tyler's P.O.V

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I had never seen Alena's mood shift like that.

    Then again, I had also never seen Alena run.

    But in all seriousness; when I was with her, she never panicked that way. Not that she told me she was freaking out, but I could see it in her, I could feel it. When her and I were together, even when things got really rough at the end, she had never had so much anxiety in her. I wish I could know what was going through her mind.

    Once Alena was no longer in sight and I finally took myself out of the slight shock she had put me in, I ran back to the venue to find Josh. Quickly, I found him standing with some of the guys from our crew and talking.

    "Josh," I grabbed his shoulder, turning him towards me and diverting his attention away from the crew. "Alena is gone."

    His eyes went wide, and he grabbed my wrist, pulling me to follow him away from everyone else. "Gone? What do you mean gone?"

    "She is gone as in no longer on the premises of the venue."

    "How?! What the hell happened Tyler?"

    "I don't know, I saw her standing out on the dock and I figured she was probably freezing, so I went over and offered her my jacket, and she was joking around with me for a minute but then something just switched and she got really reserved and ran off."

    "Oh my god Tyler," he rolled his eyes, running his hands through the red tips of his hair.

    "I was just trying to help her, Josh, I didn't mean for this to happen."

    "It isn't your fault Tyler. I'll try texting her, okay? We only have a little bit of time before we have sound check so just go do what you need to prepare for that. I'll take care of this." As I nodded and walked away, Josh called Alena and sat there waiting for her to answer. I continued on my way, but no matter how I attempted to distract myself, I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened, and most importantly... her.

Alena's P.O.V

    "So how on earth did you end up here in Boston?" Jess asks me with her classic smile. I have never felt so refreshed as I do sitting here with these two. Not a single thing about their personalities has changed. Jess still carries herself with the same class and elegance, the same joy in her eyes. And Liz, the same enthusiasm, the comfort that just her presence alone creates still palpable.

    "Well, ironically enough I'm actually on tour with Josh and Tyler right now." Not that this was something I wanted to remember, but I figured I may as well at least answer honestly.

    "Goodness, isn't that so strange? They feel like a whole other lifetime ago." Liz states, visibly reminiscing about the final days of senior year that she spent in a daze over Josh.

    "It's very strange. Very troubling too, but for reasons that I'm having trouble grasping." I confess, sipping my hot chocolate again.

    "Well, both of you are in relationships now, right? With other people?" I nod my head in response to Jessica's question. "Is there still chemistry? I mean, you guys didn't exactly have the cleanest break back in college... maybe you're in need of the closure that you never got?"

    "I suppose that's what it is, we never really have had a discussion about it without yelling at one another. It's just so difficult. I don't understand why we can't just have an adult conversation about it. Every time things get uncomfortable or we start fighting, it just feels like we're back in high school, it's all so childish." I can't help but get frustrated by just the thought of it.

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